- 一个非常简洁易用的QQ聊天工具,只要你登录了QQ,你就不用加好友就可以与其他任何一个人聊天了,您不妨试试看吧,谢谢支持!-a very simple and user-friendly tool QQ chat, as long as you logged in the QQ, you do not have friends on the increase with any other people to chat, and you may wish to try it, thank you s
- 一个文件比较的代码,功能强大,能自动合并文件,图形华操作界面,而且是原代码开放的一个工具,希望大家提出自己的建议-a paper comparing the code, powerful, can be automatically merged documents, graphics-user interface, but open source is a tool, we hope to make their own proposals
- 利用GUI设计工具设计图11-23所示的用户界面。该界面包括一个用于显示图形的轴对象,显示的图形包括表面图、网格图或等高线图。-use of GUI design tool for the design shown in the 11-23 user interface. The interface includes a graphics for the show axis targets, including graphic display surface map grid map or co
- Linux下的LDAP服务器的WEB管理工具,采用PHP写成,简单易用。-Linux LDAP server management tool for the Web using PHP languages, user-friendly.
- sipbomber - tool for testing SIP-protocol implementation (RFC3261). Current version can check only server implementation - UAS (UAS are proxies, user agent servers, redirect servers, and registrars). -sipbomber-testing tool for SIP-protocol im
- GnoScan是一个多线程网络扫描和安全工具,提供了一个直观的图形用户界面。它在GNOME下运行。它不是世界上第一个端口扫描工具,但一定是一个易于使用的工具-GnoScan is a multi-threaded scanning and network security tools, providing an intuitive graphical user interface. It operates in GNOME. It is not the world's first por
- blog generator是一个基于Catty 2引擎的工具,可以用于浏览许多由Google发现的Web日志服务器,建造一个具有数千万条短语的数据库,用它来编写关于某个给定主题的“意识流”。它是所有blogger用户的一个相当有趣的、有用的工具。-blog generator is based on the Catty 2 engines tools, may use in to glance over many by Google the discovery Web diary serve
- The proposed library, XMLGUI, is a tool for developing user-customizable applications. A user can change the size and position of any control on dialogs, form views, or property pages; change captions of the controls using any language; change styles
- 通用漏洞扫描工具,用户可利用该模块进行一些可能漏洞利用。-Generic vulnerability scanning tool, the user can make use of the module may exploit.
- 文件传输是用户交换信息的一种方式,用户可以非常方便的交换文件。本程序通过tcp设计了文件传输工具。-File transfer users a way to exchange information, the user can easily exchange files. This procedure was designed through the tcp file transfer tool.
- 一简单容易网络使用工具。展示当前注册用户,机器名,WINDOWS版本,服务包安装等-NetMSG v1.1- Updated !! A simple, easy to use tool for networks. Demonstrates launching a console app and capturing its output using CreateProcess/CreatePipe and directing to StdOut/StdErr. I have u
- 用c语言编写的一款使用方便的 IP、端口扫描工具。利用它,您可以获得被扫描计算机的 ping 响应时间、主机名称、计算机名称、工作组、登录用户名、MAC地址、TTL、NetBios 信息等;您也可以指定扫描端口,查看目标计算机开放端口的情况。-With c a language easy-to-use IP, port scanning tool. Use it, you can ping the computer by scanning the response time, host name
- 多用户通信的时分复用,每个节点在其固定的时间内发送数据包,采用OPNET仿真工具-Multi-user time division multiplexing communications, each node in the fixed period of time to send data packets, using OPNET simulation tool
- SKOCK编写的网络聊天工具,注意:如果是点debug文件夹下面的exe执行,要把客户信息文件包含就去(user.dat 在文件包里面)-SKOCK chat tool for the preparation of the network, paying attention to: If that is the point debug folder of the exe the following implementation, customer information file should
- 基于ASP.NET二手商品的商务网站设计与开发 ASP.NET是近年来新兴的动态网页设计技术,可构建动态的,功能强大的 Web网站。因而我使用 MICROSOFT公司的ASP.NET开发工具, .NET Framework改进了开发复杂的Web站点的方式。ASP.NET对如何开发复杂和交互的Web站点作了重大的改进,ADO.NET提供了强大而灵活的数据访问功能,从根本上改变了从Web应用程序中检索,处理和存储数据的方式。 本二手交易市场利用ASP.NET良好的开发环境,完成用户注册,登陆
- curl源代码,crul为功能强大的文件传输的命令行工具,支持ftp、http等-curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT,
- ruby写的文件同步工具。 指定服务器,用户名,密码,上传的文件目录,指定的时间后更新的文件,同步至服务器中。-ruby write file synchronization tool. Specify a server, user name, password, upload the file directory, specify the time after the updated files, synchronized to the server.
- Wiresahrk_用户手册,一本介绍网络协议分析的工具说明书-Wiresahrk_ user manual, a descr iption is the network protocol analysis tool for manual
- qq消息炸弹 面对恶意网友 无聊男的利器 小软件 希望喜欢-qq Message User bomb the face of malicious software, a small tool for boring men want to enjoy
- 自己编写的局域网文件传输工具,在单位用来做资料上传备份用的。可以多客户端同时传送,服务端可以实时显示正在上传的客户端和进度。-a file transfer tool on lan by myself,you can use it to upload file by it,it can used by multi pople.