- 在IE的控件中自动填写内容的程序。使用了IE helper api
- jabber jabberTest.rar - Id: pasvlogin.c,v 1.10 2003/02/16 04:18:47 dpuryear Exp $ * * Just logon n users. Do not send any message traffic (2006-04-03,C-C++,45KB,6次) miranda-im-v0.4src.zip - 基于windows API的即时通讯软件,采用jabber开放协议,可以和msn qq等互通 (2005-06-2
wal.zip使用Windows Socket API编写的通用函数
- 使用Windows Socket API编写的通用函数,包含异步socket的使用,General function writed by Windows Socket API, containing the use of non-synchronized socket
- 一个利用SNMP4J开发的windows console 的工具, a example for network manager with the JAVA api SNMP4J
- PB调用Microsoft web browser control使用方法-Webbrowser This program shows how to use the . It uses the Web Browser control s Design Mode to allow you to easily create HTML documents. Click here to download the PowerBuilder sample: WEBBROWSER.ZIP
- 使用ObjectSNMP API快速操作SNMP协议。定义java-mib对象,然后使用基于对象的读写方法,就可以操作底层SNMP协议。,Quick ObjectSNMP API using SNMP protocol operation. Java-mib object definition, and then read and write using object-based method can operate on the bottom of SNMP protocol.
- 用VC++构建一个虚拟局域网,对位于不同局域网的主机分配一个虚拟局域网的IP,使不同局域网的主机可以相互通信,技术点为p2p穿洞,api hook,Using VC++ to build a virtual local area networks, local area network to the host in different VLAN' s assigned an IP, the host of different local area network can communica
- Windows XP Peer-to-Peer Software Development Kit,传说中的P2P SDK,微软开发的,提供了N多的P2P的API函数-Windows XP Peer-to-Peer Software Development Kit, the legendary P2P SDK, Microsoft has developed to provide a N number of P2P-API Functions
- 应用google地图提供的API写成的一个简单实用的google地图(暂时叫DIY版吧) 用VB语言写成,希望大家能喜欢。-this is a source code of a google map that was programmed with VB6.0 I upload it for everyone here with hope of open source community
- 一些应用程序被安装在计算机上需要有一种方式来检索资料,全球独一无二的识别计算机。我创建了一个功能来做到这一点。我的方法是基于MAC地址的网络适配器的计算机标识符。该GetAdaptersInfo API函数是用来获取信息的网络适配器。您需要的Microsoft Platform SDK的汇编。阅读的MSDN知道如何安装平台SDK 。可执行文件中包括zip档案。-Some applications being installed on a computer need a way to retrie
- 简单实用的XML解析实例,采用系统API,无需安装第三方解析工具。-Simple and practical examples of XML parsing, using the system API, without having to install third-party analytical tool.
- 類封裝了匿名管道IPC方法在Win32規定。 這個類提供了一個薄膠合板在SDK的空氣污染指數,這意味著所有的SDK中提供了豐富的可通過類。該類還提供自動清理,並啟用 Unicode的生成配置提供。 隨附的zip文件包含CAnonymousPipe源代碼,還包括一個簡單的風險投資 2005解決方案的編制和行使類。-The class encapsulates the Anonymous Pipe IPC method as provided in Win32.
- EmailSMTP,使用PB开发,调用SMTP协议发送邮件-EmailSMTP This program sends E-Mail using the SMTP protocol. The SMTP object inherits from my Winsock object. It supports HTML formatted messages and attachments. Images embedded within HTML messages are also sup
- 完整的压缩/解压缩 ZIP 格式的API,未引用任何外部库.-Complete compression/decompression ZIP format API, without reference to any external library.
- winpcap的安装包,程序员开发包。(两个包3.0-WinPcap.exe,3.0-WpdPack.zip)-This archive contains all the stuff useful to develop WinPcap-based applications. The archive contains the following folders: - drivers WinPcap binaries installation. Usefu
- P2P_Video_DirectShow.zip [H.264.rar] - H.264 codec source code is a standard template for beginners as well as project developers to modify [videoconference.rar] - It is a video conference software writted by VC++. It show the perfect performan
- jxta项目源码, 1.jxse-doc-2.5.zip:为JXSE的文档压缩包,这是应用JXSE的API重要的参考工具,是学习JXSE及JXSE有关开发的必要参考。 2. jxse-lib-2.5.zip:是JXSE的类库,包括4个Jar文件,分别为bcprov-jdk14.jar,javax.servlet.jar,jxta.jar和org.mortbay.jetty.jar。在进行JXSE的应用开发时,需要导入到相应的jar包。 3.jxse-src-2.5.zip:这是JXS