- Lachesis an IRCRPG combat engine written in a combination of C and C++. The combat engine is being written for a specific RPG, but most of the project should be useful to IRCRPGs in general. It includes a native interface to the IRC protocol to allow
- This program is - system for remote HTTP authentication brute. It contains : bot server web statistics. In the web gait you can see all your bots and when bot started,what he is bruting,if there some results of brute etc,etc =) + You
- A remote administratio/bot source. Get command through either http or irc. Can execute a command on a specific time, uses simple XOR encryption for command file transfer. Also has embeded a replacemed connect-back shell. The structure of the command
- Spybot 是一种在线网络聊天系统机器人(BOT)的开放性源代码蠕虫病毒,由于它的开放性和管理方式都来源于这些分布的机器人,这些广泛的机器人变量都有一些很微小的不同,通过远程用户在线聊天系统可以最多控制一台计算机的一些管理功能,同时它也有能力传播到点对点网络(P2P Networks).此代码用于学习,不可用于非法用途-Spybot is an online Internet chat system, Robot (BOT) of the open source code for the wo
- Gunners IRC Bot A Bot that opens a back door that allows a remote attacker to take control of the compromised computer.