- f exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N [dbo].[IBP_T_EA_IBP_T_User_FK1] ) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N IsForeignKey ) = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IBP_T_User] DROP CONSTRAINT IBP_T_EA_IBP_T_User_FK1 GO-f exists (select * from dbo.sys
- 数据库的作业,花了一天时间写的,由于时间紧迫,所以界面借用了网上的相关网站,不过功能全部是自己写的,基本测试还可以,有些细节问题没补上~~(PHP+MYSQL)-database operations, spent a day writing, because of time constraint, so the interface to use the Internet-related websites, But their function is to write all the basic
- 一个简单的webserver,其中介绍了一些基本的原理,由于时间关系没能完成代码解释部分 欢迎有兴趣的朋友跟我联系:streamby@163.com-a simple webserver, which presents some basic principles, Because of the time constraint can not complete code welcomes interested friend of mine told me contact : streamby@
- 一套准备自己拿来做分类信息的源码。因为时间关系,我就留了起来,放了好几个月了,决定拿出来分享-Prepare a set of classified information used as the source. Due to time constraint, I would stay up, put a good few months, and decided to come up with to share
- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)是一种独立于机器的描述语言,用于描述在网络上传递的消息 标准包括: ISO 8824-1 | ITU-T X.680: Specification of basic notation, ISO 8824-2 | ITU-T X.681: Information object specification, ISO 8824-3 | ITU-T X.682: Constraint specification,