- ICTCLAS分词的总体流程包括:1)初步分词;2)词性标注;3)人名、地名识别;4)重新分词;5)重新词性标注这五步。就第一步分词而言,又细分成:1)原子切分;2)找出原子之间所有可能的组词方案;3)N-最短路径中文词语粗分三步。 在所有内容中,词典库的读取是最基本的功能。ICTCLAS中词典存放在Data目录中,常用的词典包括coreDict.dct(词典库)、BigramDict.dct(词与词间的关联库)、nr.dct(人名库)、ns.dct(地名库)、tr.dct(翻译人名库
- 淘特站内搜索引擎(C#版)基于Lucene.Net核心,通过高效的中文分词算法将数据库中内容进行分析、索引并保存至硬盘中。前台搜索时,通过读取索引文件查询,避免了传统数据库查询在高并发及海量数据下的性能问题。因前台搜索不在连接数据库,为不希望数据库放到前台的特殊用户群体提供了数据快速查询解决方案-Amoy Special Search Engine (C# Edition) Based on Lucene.Net core, through the effective Chinese word
- The CAN network is not only used for diagnostic application, the goal of the first use of this network is to carry out the intersystem communications, the related message set don t comply with the specification established in this document. Thus
- allan FOG output error variance analysis, Principal component analysis of multivariate data analysis projection, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared.
- Can realize the two-dimensional data clustering, The true extent of the value of the intermediary measure, measure the true extent of the agency based on the value of image segmentation SNR largest independent component analysis algorithm.