- Parses UK Profile 1.05/1.06 Object Carousel and saves files to disk (all stored under /tmp/cache at the moment). The files are the scr ipts and text/image data for MHEG5, the interactive(ish) element of digital TV. At the moment the MHEG scr ip
- 本ASP上传组件可同时上传多个文件,并可过滤掉不允许上传的文件(如 asp文件等)。当上传文件与已有文件重名时,可选择“不覆盖”、“覆盖”和“改名”三种处理方式对上传进行控制,并且还可设置自定义文件名。上传完毕后,可取得上传的文件个数,上传成功的文件个数,上传到的路径,以及上传过程中组件内部的重要处理成功与否等等信息。(解压后的WEB目录下是可直接注册使用的组件和ASP示例文件)-The ASP upload component can simultaneously upload multipl
- FTP客户端,实现跟数据库的连接,查询数据库中是否有文件未处理的文件,有则上传并更新数据库,带有重复文件检测及文件大小检查功能-FTP client to realize the connection with the database, query the database if there are files processed file, there will upload and update the database with detection of duplicate files
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist