- Testing TCP and UDP socket servers using C# and .NETWhen you re developing a TCP/IP server application it s easy to test it poorly. It s easy to fire requests into a server, check the responses and assume that s enough. Even if you re testing using t
- hping2是一个网络工具,能够发送icmp/tcp/udp包,指定包的大小内容-hping2 is a network tool able to send custom ICMP/UDP/TCP packets and to display target replies like ping do with ICMP replies. hping2 handle fragmentation, arbitrary packet body and size and can be u
- 对一个较长的IP分组进行分片,然后再将所有的分片重新组装成一个IP分组-Right to conduct a long IP packet fragmentation, and then all of the sub-chip re-assembled into an IP packet
- 稳定易用的大容量 windows socket api 封装库,采用重叠完成端口模型实现,引擎采用异步消息控制,实现了一个简明易用的网络框架,发送和接收数据全都采用异步模式,发送和接收数据都不会给调用线程带来等待或者延迟,同时引擎实现了两种通信模式,流模式和消息模式,可以节省用户大量的构建时间。 引擎内部实现参考了 ACE 的种种概念,比如 proactor(预先操作,前摄器),task(任务),主动对象(Active Object),message queue(消息队列),lock(
- 狼群淘客系统基于canphp框架进行开发,MVC结构、数据库碎片式缓存机制,使网站支持更大的负载量,结合淘宝开放平台API实现的一个淘宝客购物导航系统采用php+mysql实现,任何人都可以免费下载使用 。-Wolves Amoy off the system based on canphp framework for development, MVC structure, fragmentation cache mechanism to enable the site to support