- a java-rmi code build a chat-room. to run this code , you need to know some basic idea about java-rmi. i spend three weeks to write this code which is also an assignment in my university (UNI.adelaide.au )
- 设计B/S模式的网络聊天室,客户端使用浏览器和服务器端java应用程序进行通信。采用瘦服务器富(Rich)客户端的思路,以使服务器响应大量用户的请求时减轻服务器的工作量,而客户端能轻松设计出更富动态的Web页面。-Design B / S mode network chat rooms, Clients use the browser and server-side java application procedures for communication. Fu server using th
- H-ui前端框架是在bootstrap的思想基础上基于 HTML、CSS、java scr ipt开发的轻量级web前端框架,开源免费,简单灵活,兼容性好,满足大多数中国网站。-H-ui front frame is based on the idea of bootstrap on HTML, CSS, java scr ipt developed lightweight web front frame, free open source, simple, flexible, good com
- spring-mvc-REST 是一个完整的,轻量、简单的Java RESTful 项目,基于Spring MVC. 里面有基本的增删改查的功能。而且无需修改任何内容,就可以直接跑起来。 如果你想要学习或贡献和这个项目: 下载IDEA Intellij,然后选择import project, 选择import一个maven项目即可。 (注:该资料是他人用于分享的)(IDEA Intellij,java RESTFul study)