- 在linux下获取/proc中的系统信息,得到cpu,硬盘,网络以及进程使用情况。实现功能类似windows下的任务管理器。-obtained in / proc of system information, to receive cpu, hard disk, networks and the use of the process. Windows functionality similar to the task manager.
- 这是一个基于linux系统的程序,是用GTK写的,用于linux系统状态监控和cpu利用率的调整-This is a linux system based on the procedures used to write GTK, linux system for condition monitoring and cpu utilization rate adjustment
- Java聊天室程序源 2 需求分析 2.1 业务需求 1. 与聊天室成员一起聊天。 2. 可以与聊天室成员私聊。 3. 可以改变聊天内容风格。 4. 用户注册(含头像)、登录。 5. 服务器监控聊天内容。 6. 服务器过滤非法内容。 7. 服务器发送通知。 8. 服务器踢人。 9. 保存服务器日志。 10.保存用户聊天信息。 2.2 系统功能模块 2.2.1 服务器端 1.处理用户注册 2.处理用户登录
- Net-Sky ChatServer不同于其他的用PHP,ASP,PERL等脚本语言编写的或其他任何CGI模式的聊天程式,本聊天室程序使用标准C语言开发,独立于任何第三方WEBSERVER而运行,快速,高效,稳定,大容量。程序的设计目标是能在一台普通的PC上同时容纳上万人聊天。经初步测试,完全达标:每个聊天室一道进程,占内存约700K,80人在线时占CPU约0.03% (Pll450)。程序启动即将所有模版一次性载入内存,最大限度减少硬盘的I/O操作(聊天过程没有任何硬盘I/O),最大限度提高性
- linux端获取系统CPU、硬盘。内存使用率,通过客户端socket传给windows服务端。-linux-side access to the system CPU, hard drive. Memory usage, the client socket to pass through the windows server.
- 是一个包装库,采集linux系统信息,采集linux硬件信息,采集linux动态信息比如主板温度,cpu温度等-Is a packaging database, collecting system information linux, linux hardware information gathering, collecting dynamic information such as linux motherboard temperature, cpu temperature
- dmidecode 是unix和linux系统下强大的硬件信息查看工具,可以产看cpu,主板等详细信息-dmidecode is a unix and linux system a powerful tool to view the hardware information, you can see the middle class cpu, motherboard and other details
- A simple program for implementing the CPU Scheduling in Linux/UNIX Environment
- TCP/IP协议栈源码,版本0.6 目录说明: apps/ - contains some sample applications cc65/ - uIP for the 6502 CPU uip/ - actual uIP TCP/IP and ARP code unix - uIP as a user space process under FreeBSD or Linux -uIP is freely TCP/IP source code in C format
- 用Windows的IOCP、Linux的epoll、FreeBSD的kqueue写了一个支持高并发、多CPU、跨平台的TCP网络服务框架。-With Windows IOCP, Linux epoll, FreeBSD kqueue wrote a support high concurrency, multi-CPU, cross-platform framework for TCP network services.
- VORTEX86DX CPU中R6040 网卡驱动 LINUX下的源代码,支持2.4.25-2.6.XX 的正常编译-This is R6040 LAN source coed for Linux DRIVER.
- linux获取CPU利用率内存使用情况,用于监控某个经常CPU,内存使用情况。-linux get the CPU utilization memory usage for the monitoring of a regular CPU, memory usage.
- linux shell to show cpu and ram usage
- sript to show linux cpu and ram usage
- 一般说法是selling leads 销售信息 和buying leads 求购信息 这些一般在B2B 网站中出现,可以通过这个寻求客户。-r computer is idle. The application that misbehaved the most was the Linux kernel. However, as of version 2.6.21, the Linux kernel went tickless, and no longer has a fixed 1000
- procps-3.2.8,linux环境下最新版本著名工具包源码,支持top、free命令,可以查看系统的CPU、内存占用率,进程优先级等信息-procps-3.2.8, linux environment, the latest version of the famous toolkit source code, support top, free command, you can view the system' s CPU, memory usage, process priorit
- 该脚本为监控进程CPU 内存等信息代码,自动检测是linux环境还是solaris环境进行使用不同的指令进行监控,并有自动停止脚本-The scr ipt for the monitoring process CPU memory and other information code, automatic detection is solaris linux environment or use a different command environment monitoring, and au
- shell脚本,监控特定进程的内存占用和cpu占用,以及当前系统内存情况。主要支持linux,注释里有别的平台,比如hp等。-shell scr ipt to monitor a specific process memory usage and cpu usage, as well as the current system memory situation. The main support for linux, notes there are other platforms, such a
- linux cpu optimize.There are some modification based on system architecture.
- Add a feature to the linux kernel, which records the total times a process is scheduled to be d on CPU.-Add a feature to the linux kernel, which records the total times a process is scheduled to be d on CPU.