- 在linux下获取/proc中的系统信息,得到cpu,硬盘,网络以及进程使用情况。实现功能类似windows下的任务管理器。-obtained in / proc of system information, to receive cpu, hard disk, networks and the use of the process. Windows functionality similar to the task manager.
- 在GPRS或者CDMA modem上实现发送/接收短信的C代码;支持Siemens,Simcom,Bellwave,Fidelix等模块-in GPRS or CDMA modem achieving Send / Receive messages C code; support Siemens, Simcom, Bellwave, Fidelix modules
- P2Framework是一个开源项目。这是一个高效率的平台,使分布式系统的开发变得更加容易。通过这一平台,你可以忘记许多烦恼和琐碎的事情在分布式系统的开发(如NAT /防火墙穿越,的UDP / TCP协议的交换机等) 。 主要的重点是在这个框架内,以减轻P2P的连接建立,数据和信息传输。与P2Framework ,开发商不需要照顾NAT穿越,防火墙/代理问题,可靠性的UDP和TCP短期发送/接收的问题(等)的点对点环境。例如,可能同行后面的NAT或使用HTTP代理上网。另一个例子是,开发商可
- BACnet协议栈开源代码,应用在嵌入式平台中。-BACnet open source protocol stack for embedded systems, Linux, and Windows http://bacnet.sourceforge.net/ Welcome to the wonderful world of BACnet and true device interoperability! About this Project -----------
- 实现在linux环境下面模拟的一个QQ聊天小程序,实现客服登陆和退出发送和接受信息功能-Simulation in linux environment following a QQ chat applet to achieve customer service landing and exit to send and receive information function
- 本程序是一个可移植的(Win32/Linux)邮件接收(支持POP3协议)程序,并编写了可移植SOCKET和POP3封装类,希望能为初学者提供一些帮助。- This procedure is may transplant (Win32/Linux) the mail receive (to support the POP3 agreement) the procedure, and compiled has been possible to transplant SOCKET and the
- 在linux下用qt4.0开发的一款仿qq的聊天工具,使用了sqlite数据库进行数据连接。实现了个人信息修改,私聊和文件收发功能等功能。-Under the linux development of a simulation with qt4.0 qq chat tool, using the sqlite database data connection. Changes to achieve the personal information, private chat and file s
- 本程序是一个可移植的(Win32/Linux)邮件接收(支持POP3协议)程序,并编写了可移 植SOCKET和POP3封装类,希望能为初学者提供一些帮助。 编译: Win32: 在VC++6.0下编译通过,并运行良好。 Linux: 在G++下编译通过,请查看Makefile文件。-This procedure is a portable (Win32/Linux) to receive e-mail (support POP3 protocol) procedures, and t
- jrtplib开发好帮手啊,可以PC开发板发送、接收正常测试-ah jrtplib the development of a good helper to PC development board to send, receive normal test
- Version 3.10 (2009-2-7) 1. 修正09接收消息协议。 2. 全部源代码文件更改为UNIX-UTF8格式。 3. 增加Preference来自定义屏蔽部分协议。 4. 增加添加、删除好友基本协议,支持验证码。 5. 登录后更改状态。 6. 登录机器数据填充。 7. 修正myqq.c里无法打印某些消息的bug。-Version 3.10 (2009-2-7) 1. To amend the agreement to receive m
- Linux中利用socket透過server,兩個client端傳送與接收檔案,可在code中設定ip/port,為linux入門者參考code,有使用thread,故編譯時要加一條-lpthread-Socket through the use of Linux in the server, two client-side to send and receive files, can be set in the code in the ip/port, for the entry-linux
- ssmping is a tool for checking whether a host can receive SSM from another. If a host runst ssmpingd, users on other hosts can check that they receive from this host by running the ssmping tool. asmping is similar to ssmping, but checks for ASM
- linux 串口编程通讯测试,通过对文件的打开操作,来打开串口;通过对文件的读写,实现发送和接受数据-linux serial communications test program, through the file open operation, to open the serial port adoption of the document read, write, send and receive data to achieve
- 数据的发送与接收recv, send, write, read,TCP服务器, TCP客户端-Send and receive data, recv, send, write, read, TCP server, TCP client
- Linux TCP/IP协议栈笔记。网卡驱动和队列层中的数据包接收。-Linux TCP/IP protocol stack notes. Receive packets in the NIC driver and queue layer.
- SP与SPS系统交互的通讯规范,客户端与SM_Daemon之间采用长连接方式,客户端必须使用分配的用户名及密码登录。登录成功后,每隔5分钟发送一次心跳包。如果服务器端连续三次没有收到客户端的心跳包,将主动断开与客户端的连接。如果客户端连接发送三次心跳包都没有收到相应的回应,则认为服务器故障。-SP and SPS system interactive communications specification, using the long connection between the clien
- this a program that will help you to check wether your computer receive tcp or udp packet from internet or other computer-this is a program that will help you to check wether your computer receive tcp or udp packet from internet or other computer
- 从串口接收字符,基于omapl138 linux 环境下。-receive character from the serial port.
- linux下实现简单的收发文件的服务器和客户端,多线程,用于简单测试和学习。-Realization linux simple send and receive files of server and client, multi-threaded, for simple testing and learning.
- 一个linux上简单的静态路由,能收发包(A simple static routing on the Linux can receive the contract)