- Socket 编程让你沮丧吗?从man pages中很难得到有用的信息吗?你想跟上时代去编Internet相关的程序,但是为你在调用 connect() 前的bind() 的结构而不知所措?等等… 好在我已经将这些事完成了,我将和所有人共享我的知识了。如果你了解 C 语言并想穿过网络编程的沼泽,那么你来对地方了。 -Socket Programming let you frustrated? From the man pages, it is very difficult to get
- Harvest is a system to collect information and make them searchable using a web interface. Harvest can collect information on inter- and intranet using http, ftp, nntp as well as local files like data on harddisk, CDROM and files on file servers. Cur