- 软件测试:一个编译器测试软件,支持下列C语言运算符:+ - * / % ^(乘方) 负 (int) (double) \"字符串\" [](数组) > < == >= <= != && ! ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= ^=,支持下列关键字:void int double string if else for while do goto break continue return,支持下列数据类型:int double string int[] doubl
- 一款小巧的远程控制软件,整个源码只有61 KB,带自动上线!国外的原版,全英文。功能还是很强大的!- (A small source-modification to fix the processlist, multidownload errors.) miniRAT 0.5 Open-Source code Coded for sweRAT competition Coded by p0ke (http://p0ke.no-ip.com) Sho
- Ford algorithms trees The Bellman–Ford algorithm computes single-source shortest paths in a weighted digraph. For graphs with only non-negative edge weights, the faster Dijkstra s algorithm also solves the problem. Thus, Bellman–Ford is used primar
- 黑客的基本攻击方法及原理,以及一些简单软件应用。 网络渗透攻击事件的发生极为普遍,众多的网络管理员和网络安全工作者却对网络安全环境所面临的严峻考验缺乏足够的认识,因而也未曾采取全面的防范补救措施应对各种攻击行为。《孙子兵法》曰“知已知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知已,一胜一负;不知彼不知已,每战必败”。建立有效的防御体系的惟一障碍是知识的不足。不论你是一位信息安全技术的爱好者、一位IT专家或一名有经验的信息安全实践者,只要你想建立起一个有效的防御体系,就必须了解黑客们所使用的基本工具和手段。
- DLT698(Q/GDW 376.1-2009)测试程序,适用于集中器、采集器、负控等终端,支持串口模式,GPRS服务器模式,GPRS客户端模式.支持自定义规约的收发,运行环境.net4、 .net3.5sp1,x86系统。QQ:4482257/沈-DLT698 (Q/GDW 376.1-2009) test procedures applicable to the concentrator, acquisition, negative control terminals support ser
- 本人用一年时间编译的VS2008版本 修正了金币为负 机器人不进房间 游戏卡线 掉线等问题学习为主 欢迎交流-I have a year to compile VS2008 release fixes coins negative robot into the room game card line dropped welcomed the exchange of learning-based
- 负反馈放大电路设计-Negative feedback amplifier circuit design
- 某校大门外长度为L的马路上有一排树,每两棵相邻的树之间的间隔都是1米。我们可以把马路堪称一个数轴,马路的一端在数轴0的位置,另一端在L的位置;数轴上的每个整数点,即0,1,2,……,L,都种有一棵树。由于马路上的一些区域中的始点和终点的坐标都是整数,区域之间可能有重合部分。现在要把这些区域中的树(包括2端点)移走。计算还剩多少树?-There are several test cases in the input. Each case starts with an integer L (1 &l
- 15870603226_JohnOfYogyafree.rar join au3脚本编程-you will have to eradicate all your negative thoughts or convert your negative thoughts into positive energy.
- 此源码可以帮助想做搜索的朋友,前端和终端源码全在其中毫无保留,搜索框可以自己在网上找调节尺寸的代码进行调节,终端也可以只保留调用页面的结果不要显示它的搜索框,调节frame里的负尺寸数字即可。此源码为闪虎综合搜索的样式1.-This source can help friends want to search, front-end and full source code in which the terminal without reservation, the search box to a
- This win rar file present a scalabale implementation of TCP/UDP protocols in Visual Basic, starting the basic functions simple forwarding, error correction, ACK and negative ACK.. until the level 5 of implementation for pacekts groupement and piggyBa
- 输入若干数字,检查其中转换为二进制后为负数的数字的个数。-Enter some numbers, check them into a negative binary number after the number.
- 1.掷铜板之前要想题目,想好之后开始掷。 2.准备一个铜板,5元、10元、20元都可以,当你掷出人头就是”正”,反面是字的话就是”反”,掷两次,然后照顺序开始排,例如正反、反正…-1. Before you toss a coin in order to subject, like a good start after the throw. 2. Prepare a penny, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan can be, when you throw the h
- Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis, Can be widely used in data analysis and forecast data, Modeling and simulation pwm rectifie.