- MultiProxy is a multifunctional personal proxy server you can install to help speed up your downloads, especially if you are trying to get several files form overseas or from otherwise rather slow server. It can also help protect your privac
- 一个防火墙编程的好例程。该防火墙决定哪个进程可以在你的计算机上运行,当一个新进程被检测到得时候,它提示你是否通过,如果10秒内你没有理会它,它就自动地阻止,等等功能见英文介绍吧。-Process gateway is basically a firewall for processes. It allows you to choose which processes you want to allow to run on your computer. When a new processes i
- Linux进程编程,生产者-消费者程序组,支持多个生产者和消费者,生产者进程数为2, 消费者进程数为3。 生产者与消费者之间使用共享内存进行数据传递,并使用信号量对数据的内容进行保护。-The Linux process programming, producer- consumer program group, supports multiple producers and consumers, the the producer process for 2, consumers pr
- 作为一款通用的调查问卷管理平台,EnableQ提供极为简洁的方法实现对在线调查问卷创建、设计、预览、执行、结束、分析、归档整理全过程管理。但提供对于调查问卷的全功能管理并不是它的全部,为保障系统安全可靠运行,EnableQ更提供众多强劲的系统管理内核动力。-As a general survey management platform, EnableQ provide a very simple way to achieve online questionnaire to create, des