- 用UDP实现可靠文件传输 大家都清楚,如果用TCP传输文件的话,是很简单的,根本都不用操心会丢包,除非是网络坏了,就得重来。用UDP的话,因为UDP是不可靠的,所以用它传输文件,要保证不丢包,就得我们自己写额外的代码来保障了-Use UDP to achieve a reliable file transfer we all know that if we use TCP to transfer files, it will be very simple, simply do not
- MultiProxy is a multifunctional personal proxy server you can install to help speed up your downloads, especially if you are trying to get several files form overseas or from otherwise rather slow server. It can also help protect your privac
- 为linux系统设计一个简单的二级文件系统-Linux system design for a simple two file system. Required to do the following: (1) can be achieved following a few commands read_file read the file create_file create a file create_dir create a directory del_file
- 别碰我的电脑 黑客攻防与网络安全 全集pdf-PDF files of Hackers Attack-Protect and Network Security.
- The.Net project in compiled successfully in the bin folder to generate DLL files, the DLL file is all.Net framework language can be shared. For example, you use the c# development DLL, others use VB can also add this DLL, referenced to their projects
- 以以论坛或是留言板的方式查看,并有信息统计,可进行多人回复,不注册也可留言,注册后自动保护用户名,可进行留言的方便查询,及提前、固顶、认证、精华等,站长可以管理用户,并可授予特殊用户以“嘉宾”称谓,后台管理功能强大,可设置上传文件并对整个留言板进行整体设置-In a forum, or view the message board, and statistical information, people can reply, do not register can also leave a me
- 采用Flash数据集成技术,信息内容由Flash文件输出,防止访问者通过复制/粘贴的方式转载信息,保护您的原创内容。 还具备以下功能:+系统自动生成静态文件,减少主机负荷+javascr ipt标题列表/新闻类目输出文件+单独的类目索引文件,便于进行特别美化+统一的信息显示文件+后台分级管理留言-Data integration using Flash technology, the information content of the output the Flash file to p
- PHP混淆加密破解脚本是一款支持zym解密、PHP神盾解密、phpdp解密、phpjm解密、tianyiw解密、vidun解密的脚本,需要php 5.4以及ZENDLOADER系统已经集成命令行工具,需要的朋友欢迎前来下载使用! ps:本套程序,使用了:Zend Guard - 6.0.0 加密 使用说明: 将加密的文件 放到:encoded 目录中 运行解密脚本,解密后文件会放到:decoded 目录中 知识扩展: 编程语言为什么需要混淆? 1.保护代码,防