邮件*系统 v1.2
- 邮件*系统 v1.2 需要指定SMTP服务器. 第一次使用时请在系统设置里设置好登录信息。 其实也不是真正意义上的邮件*,初学者可以下载来参考。 目前还没找到不需要SMTP服务器的方法,望哪位大侠可以告知 您可以任意修改此软件,如果您对此软件有修改,希望能给我发一份。 开发环境:Win2003 Server + Delphi7 用到的第三方控件:Raise控件包-mass mail system v1.2 need to designat
- 本人应朋友之邀,编写的一个自己感觉很实用的图片察看软件。很小但是很实用。-I accept the invitation of a friend, prepared a very practical sense to see the photo software. But very little practical.
STUN Server
- stun server 用来判断网关的NAT类型,对于P2P有一定意义。-stun server used to determine the type of NAT gateway, P2P is a certain sense.
- ubuntu常识,安装步骤,常用技巧,还有ubuntu环境下的一些简单的程序开发。-ubuntu common sense, the installation steps, the commonly used techniques, as well as the ubuntu environment some simple application development.
- 多线程程序的编写,多线程应用中容易出现的问题。互斥对象的讲解,如何使用互斥对象来实现多线程的同步。如何利用命名互斥对象保证应用程序只有一个实例运行。应用多线程编写网络聊天室程序。-The writing of the multi-thread programming, multi-threaded applications to the problem. The sense of the mutex object, and how to use the mutex object to reali
- C语言实现网络侦测,C语言实现网卡状态侦测-make sure the net is ok ,by C program
- 在论坛里面大量的贴出没有任何意义的文章,这种做法在网络上叫做“灌水”,实际上这是一种信息垃圾,大量的垃圾发送到论坛上面就形成了信息炸弹,所以灌水机具有一定的攻击性,它的基本编程思路和上面的内容类似,是一种演变出来的工具。不过于上面的漏洞扫描器不同的是:灌水机需要使用POST方法、而不是GET方法向服务器发送请求。 -Many at the forum which posted the article makes no sense, such an approach on the networ
- 机动车闯红灯自动监测记录系统采用稳定可靠的地感线圈检测技术,成功的抓捕各种闯红灯违法车辆-Automatically record red light running vehicle monitoring system and a sense of stable and reliable detection coil technology, the success of a variety of red light running violators arrested
- Before all : Pure-FTPd was designed on Unix and for Unix. The Windows port has been done because some people are forced to work on Win32 by their pointy hairy boss. For these people, Apache is a nice alternative to IIS. But when it comes to FTP
- asp单位考勤系统增加了跨天签到功能,现在您可以为您的夜班设置跨天签到的签到点了。 2 增加了大量的AJAX应用,重新设计了用户界面,现在使用起来用户体验感好多了! -asp unit attendance system attendance increased by inter-day feature, you can now set up for your night of inter-day attendance at the attendance. 2 increased by a
- 无废话XML,自我感觉这本书对于初学xml的人来说是最好的-No nonsense XML, sense of self, this book for beginners who xml is the best
- 您下载的该文件来自于 感懿娱乐互动 http://www.Pay-4u.Com ——————————————————— 感懿娱乐互动收集各种流行的CMS(内容管理系统),为初识CMS的 站长提供自学的平台。 *************************************** 本站提供DEDECMS、动易CMS、帝国CMS、风讯CMS、 新云CMS、科汛CMS等热门的CMS系统的模板风格下载、模块插件、教程技 巧、帮助中心。-You download t
- 你在编程是否老是找不到方向,一天下来,还得代码海洋中来加转悠呢。你可能忘了记事本吧,那么给你个好的见义吧,记事本收藏夹,完全配配你的所有-You can not find the programming is always the direction of the day, had to code to add to cruise the oceans do. Notepad, you may forget it, then give you a good sense see it, Notep
- ISite企业建站系统是严格意义上讲是为懂点网站建设和HTML技术的人员而开发的一套专门用于企业建站的软件。-ISite enterprise Station system is in the strict sense is to understand the point of website building and HTML technology, developed a set of personnel dedicated to企业建站software.
- Excel保持需要ping的Ip地址,然后对保持的地址进行4次ping命令,最后把ping不通的地址保存在txt文件中。-Excel need to ping the Ip address to keep, and then address four times to keep the ping command, the last does not make sense to ping addresses stored in the txt file.
- TERABIT ETHERNET 具体介绍 包括Time-Space Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA/TS)-TERABIT ETHERNET introduction (Time-Space Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA/TS))
- 本文是一篇关于传感器网络安全的综述,详细地从各个层介绍了它的研究情况。-Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) use small nodes with constrained capabilities to sense,collect,and disseminate information in many types of applications.As sensor networks become wide-spread,security issues become
- 简短的QQ,让学习网络编程的人有一定的意义,本程序只在主机两端口有测试.-Short QQ, to learn network programming has a certain sense, this is only a test in two-port host.
- 一个简单防火墙的实现,适合初学者。对于初学者,分析里面的代码,很有意义。-A simple firewall implementation, suitable for beginners. For starters, of which the code makes sense.
- 为解决传统搜索引擎个性化的局限性问题,在研究用户感兴趣搜索引擎现状基础上,通过多Agent较全面记录、分析用户搜索的行为,提出了一种新的综合用户搜索行为,构建用户感兴趣搜索引擎研究框架—— 基于多Agent搜索行为分析的用户兴趣模型。研究结果表明,依据用户搜索行为构建用户兴趣模型,使搜索引擎返回结果更贴近用户需求。满足用户个性化服务,提高了信息搜索的查全率和查准率。-In order to solve the limitations of search engine personalizat