- 这是一个猜数字游戏,你可以有八次机会,每次猜的时候都会提示你才对几个数字以及数字的位置-猜数字This is a game, you can have eight opportunities to guess each time you will be prompted only a few figures, as well as the location of the figures
- 舒尔特25方格游戏是一款有效锻炼注意力的小游戏,有一个方块由25个方格组成,格子内任意排列1~25的共25个数字。训练时,要求被测者用手指按1~25的顺序依次指出其位置,同时诵读出声,施测者一旁记录所用时间。-Schulte 25 squares game is a valid exercise of the attention of small game, there is a box of 25 squares, any arrangement of a total of 25 number
- 2048是比较流行的一款数字游戏。微信2048手机游戏是一款基于HTML5+jQuery实现的2048手机端游戏源码,兼容PC端和移动端,在电脑上预览本手机游戏源码用键盘上下左右键进行控制。-2048 is a more popular numbers game. 2048 micro-channel is a mobile game based on HTML5+ jQuery to achieve the end of 2048 mobile phone game source code,