- 本书包括HTML Canvas API的例子。所涵盖的主题包括文本,图像,和绘图。 包含几个完成的应用程序,讨论了数学和物理中的应用,视频,音频,游戏,和移动。 最后一章介绍了3D和游戏。-This book is organized into 11 chapters. The first four chapters walk you through the HTML Canvas API by example. The topics covered include text,
- HTML5利用canvas画笔功能使用鼠标或手指绘画,可以运行与IOS,ANDRIOD,WINDOWS,MAC全平台浏览器-Sketchpad app using html5 canvas to draw using touch or mouse, works on iOS, Android, Window Phone and browser. App uses touch events, MSPointer events and mouse events to support iOS, And