P2P 源代码
- 源代码编译及安装说明 源代码编译及安装说明编译说明: . 编译环境安装 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 . 下载WTL(版本:7.5), 网站 http://sourceforge.net/projects/wtl/, 解压并将 wtl/include 加入VS.Net include 工程 参考方法: 打开 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 点击菜单 工具->选项->Projects-&g
- 使用VS2013 c++,主要是实现使用Gnutella 网络做一个peer crawler,BFS order-Using Winsock and Visual Studio .NET 2013, your goal is to create a Gnutella crawler that discovers all currently present peers in the system. Your program will first contact a seed webserver