- 2009北航嵌入式ARM+linux培训课件,非常好,内容十分丰富,每张幻灯片100多页,北航名师讲解-2009 BUAA embedded ARM+ linux training courseware, very good, very rich in content, more than 100 pages each slide, BUAA teachers on
- 在Unix-Linux平台下,Latex是一款功能丰富的排版软件。利用Beamer宏包可以生活成高质量的PDF幻灯片。但详细的中文介绍不多,特此奉上汉译版本的介绍说明文件。-In the Unix-Linux platforms, Latex is a feature-rich desktop publishing software. Use Beamer macro packages can live into the high-quality PDF slides. The details
- Linux相关资料的学习,内核部分的幻灯片.-Relevant information to learn Linux, the kernel part of the slide.
- 4分钟长的椅上放松操幻灯片,是长期与电脑工作者的福音 个人认为不错老外做的东西-Sitting at a computer for long periods often causes neck and shoulder stiffness and occasionally lower back pain. Do these stretches every hour or throughout the day, or whenever you feel stiff. Photoco
- 这是Linux入门的幻灯片,可以帮助读者快速理解和掌握linux的基础知识。-This is the Linux entry slide, you can help the reader quickly understand and master the basics of linux.
- 多媒体数码相框:基于Linux操作系统下的Qt2.3,可移植到博创S3C2410平台上,本设计实现数码相框的照片浏览、幻灯片播放、音乐播放、文件管理、系统设置、日历显示等功能。-Qt Linux Multimedia Digital Photo Frame
- YouTube网站上的幻灯片特效代码,从谷歌的youtube capture上扒下来的,图文banner切换效果。简洁大气,美观又不失时尚,名站的设计师就是不一样啊,因为喜欢这个焦点图幻灯代码,所以才花了不少时间整理出来,不敢独享,与源码爱好者网页分享,截图中的乱码是因为编码没有修改,自己用时候添加一行编码声明就不会乱码了。-Slide effects on YouTube code from Google, YouTube Capture on picking down, the graph
- 一款VC++图像开场加载效果,向大家演示了几种图像装载的特效实现的方法,比如扫描显示、滑动显示、渐入显示和马赛克显示等,大家在使用一些幻灯片软件的时候,经学会看到类似的效果,如果你有一定的VC++基础,你可以借鉴一下本效果的具体方法,再次扩展,可以制作出一款带特效的图像查看器。-The opening loading of a VC++ image effects, to demonstrate the effects of several image loading methods to ac
- jQuery插件版前后平滑旋转的网页幻灯片代码,点击左右两侧的箭头,图片就相应切换,在代码里可设置图片大小,图片张数在HTML里也可以设置,这个要和图片的实际张数对应,否则效果就不理想了-around the smooth rotation of pages in the jQuery plug-in version of the slide code, click the arrow to the left and right sides the picture corresponding s
- 仿win8全屏幻灯片,左右滚动切换,类似metro风格,大气自然漂亮,适合IT类网站,玩机社区之类的网站最合适了,希望不要错过,真心不错的幻灯片特效代码。-Imitation Win8 full-screen slide show, scroll left or right to switch, similar to the Metro style, the atmosphere naturally beautiful, suitable for IT class website, play l
- 无JS实现的图片切换,CSS图片幻灯片切换特效,同时也实现了说明文字的动画效果,幻灯片上下切换,带播放进度条,进度条走到头-JS no picture switch, the CSS picture slide transition effects, as well as descr iptive text animation effects, slide switch up and down, with a playback progress bar, progress bar went t
- 多图片叠加的jQuery图片切换幻灯片,简约时尚美观,JS焦点图幻灯代码,让你的网页增色不少-JQuery multiple images superimposed picture switch slides, simple and stylish appearance, JS focus map slideshow code, make your website considerably
- win8风格左右水平滚动的全屏大焦点图特效,网页上的幻灯片切换代码实例,设计风格采用方格状-win8 style horizontal scrolling around a large focus map fullscreen effects, slide transitions on the web page code examples, using grid-like style
- noobSlide是一款基于 mootools的网页幻灯片插件,用它可制作10多种漂亮实用的焦点图效果-noobSlide is a web-based slideshow plugin mootools, it can produce more than 10 kinds of beautiful and practical effect of the focus map
- 整合图片信息,在裸板上实现图片的幻灯片播放效果-Integration of image information, the bare board to achieve the effect of a picture slideshow
- 基于Qt的图片浏览器,演示了QImage QLable的使用,包含放大,缩小,旋转,幻灯片播放等功能。-Qt-based image viewer that demonstrates the use of QImage QLable, including zoom, rotate, slide shows and other functions.
- HTTPS Everywhere和Let s Encrypt项目的开发者Yan Zhu在上周末举行的 ToorCon 2015大会上介绍了一种滥用HSTS(HTTP Strict Transport Security)和内容安全策略(CSP)嗅探浏览器历史的时序攻击方法Sniffly(幻灯片、演示、源代码)。Sniffly允许任意网站嗅探浏览器历史: 当用户访问一个嵌入Sniffly代码的网页,它会试图通过HTTP加载来自HSTS域名的图像,Sniffly将一个CSP策略设置为限制图像通过H
- 海洋cms模板使用说明: 解压文件,把里面的文件直接覆盖到根目录 后台 系统-模板选择-feifan123 就可以 幻灯片:影片4星推荐 . 今日推荐显示:影片5星推荐(<div style="margin:-36px auto;width:100%;height:100%;"> <ifr a me id="WANG" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="tru