- Linux下,硬盘S.M.A.R.T相关工具-Linux, hard disk S.M.A.R.T related tool
- tcpick is a textmode sniffer that can track TCP streams and saves the data captured in files or displays them in the terminal. It is useful for picking files in a passive way. It can store all connections in different files, or it can display all the
- 设计一个按时间片轮转法实现处理器调度的程序 [提示]: (1)假定系统有5个进程,每个进程用一个PCB来代表。PCB的结构为: • 进程名——如Q1~Q5。 • 指针——把5个进程连成队列,用指针指出下一个进程PCB的首地址。 • 要求运行时间——假设进程需要运行的单位时间数。 • 已运行时间——进程已运行的单位时间数,初始值为0。 • 状态——假设两种状态,就绪和结束,用R表示就绪,用E表示结束。初始状态都为就绪状态
- American Gladiator,You are consulting for a game show in which n contestants are pitted against n gladiators in order to see which contestants are the best. The game show aims to rank the contestants in order of strength this is done via a series of
- cryptoboot is set of tools for disk encryption on Unix. It is especially suited to encrypt root partition, so _everything_ (except kernel and cryptoboot inself) is encrypted. -cryptoboot is set of tools for disk encrypt ion on Unix. It is espec
- wep抓包程序,用于破解wep密码,linux环境下使用,aircrack-ng-1.0-rc2
- RSA公钥加密的基本实现 bmp灰度图片加解密操作包括 RSA 的加减密算法; 素数检测算法;RSA 密钥生成算法; 应用该 RSA 密码体制加、解密; BMP 灰度图的算法; Pollard p-1 算法 ; Pollard r 算法 ; -RSA public key encryption to achieve the basic gray-scale picture bmp including RSA encryption and decryption operations of addi
- 在redhat e5中安装oracle11g之前的安装检查,其实是unixODBC2.2.11-7.1的安装包,包括i386和x64-unixODBC-2.2.11-7.1-i386_x64.zip
- it can write to existing areas of existing files, but it cannot change their sizes, or create/delete directories and files. Linux-NTFS does all of that, though, and takes less than 30 minutes to get it running. The site says it can even create NTFS f
- Linux下能用得h3c上网客户端, 附带教程, 由湖南大学得linux小组研发,现正在测试当中,湖南大学校内测试成功,现在我正在用呢-Under Linux can be a client h3c Internet, with tutorials, linux by a group of Hunan University R & D, which is now being tested, test success school of Hunan University, and now
- 1 下载软件包Software.rar(文件大小848KB)2解压缩,建议解压到C盘根目录,这样文件将安装在C:\SOFTWARE,需要空间2.12MB-1 download package Software.rar (file size 848KB) 2 extract, it is proposed to extract the C root directory, so files will be installed in C: \ SOFTWARE, needs the space to
- wvdial 软件包是一个自动拨号程序,相当于包含了一个有意义的快速和简单使用的另类的chat和pppd脚本。本软件包用在本机linux系统上.-wvdial package is an automatic dial-up procedure, which is equivalent to include a meaningful fast and simple alternative to use chat scr ipt and pppd. The package used in the l
- aircrack. crask wep keys over wifi
- 压缩包的内容包括:1.有关JPEG和DPCM算法的文章;2.实现其算法的压缩程序3.有关图像压缩方面的资料。读者请注意: <1>这里讨论的是灰度图像的压缩不涉及彩色图像。 <2>实现压缩时,输入的图像数据采用一种自定义的格式(com 格式),前四个字节记录图像的宽度和高度,之后就是逐 行的图像数据,图像的开头和结尾没有任何标记。这种格式的图像数据是从BMP图像中得到的。 <3>这里没有JPEG算法的解压程序,压缩后的数据存成标准的JPEG文件
- UNIX Shells by Example is the world s #1 shell programming book, from the world s #1 shell programming instructor: Ellie Quigley. In UNIX Shells by Example, Fourth Edition, Quigley has thoroughly updated her classic and delivers the information today
- trans程序的源代码在Cygwin下编译调试通过。(因使用了Unix特有的文件读写函数,用TC,BC,VC编译时须改写部分代码) 使用说明:trans [-R/-S] file 其中,-R 将摩斯码翻译成英文; -S 将英语翻译成摩斯码。 file为需要翻译的文本文件。运行成功后结果会保存在“~file”文件中。 注意:若是翻译英文,须保证所有字母均为大写字母。且标点符号仅可为“.”,“,”和空格。-trans program' s sour
- Achievo ATK是一个面向对象的PHP开发框架。它让开发人员只需关注应用逻辑,而不是编写HTML代码。ATK提供了一个完整的框架,只要10行代码就能开发出一个可用的应用程序,而其它该框架将自动为生成,并完全可自己定制。ATK 常被喻为Ruby on Rails 。 -Dà zhǎn ATK shì yīgè miànxiàng duìxiàng de PHP kāifā kuàngjià. Tā ràng kāifā rényuán zhǐ xū guānzhù yìngyòng luój
- 基于权限位的文件访问控制中,文件的访问权限有三种:读(r), 写(w), 执行(x)-the control of file request basic on premission
- shell scr ipt zfzhr zer zerlmklmkmrj mm mzke r er
- 产生服从正态,瑞利,泊松分布的随机数,分别为N(0,1),N(0,3 6),Rayleigh(0,1),R(0,3 6),P(()