- An article on implementing Boyer-Moore algorithm for Unicode strings in C#.-An article on implementing Boyer - Moore al gorithm for Unicode strings in C#.
- arm9的bootloader,适合通用2410x平台 vivi.pal(20051228)支持tv输出和vga输出,vclk为26.25mhz vivi(20060330)支持vga输出和tv输出,vclk为25mhz 以上两个vivi均编译自vivi-br-release(20051228).tar.gz 在两个不同vivi间切换的方法是在源文件“/include/platform/smdk2410.h”中打开或者取消对PAL640480宏的定义: #define PAL
- 自己编写的Linux下的C程序,实现ls命令的功能。 可选参数有-a -l -al 后面可以加上目录或文件名,也可不加。不写路径的默认是当前目录。 输入错误命令会提示正确的命令格式。-A C program under Linux to achieve ls commands. Optional parameters are-a-l and-al Can be followed with the directory or file name. If the comma
- scr ipt para probar los esclavos que se pueden imcorporar al probar algo -scr ipt para probar los esclavos que se pueden imcorporar al probar algo jajajaja
- 小写字母变大写字母(汇编语言实现) (2008-05-14 21:57:52) 标签:杂谈 DATA SEGMENT PMT1 DB INPUT Small letter : ,0AH,0DH, $ STR1 DB 40H,0,40H DUP(0) PMT2 DB 0AH,0DH, Display capital letter : ,0AH,0DH STR2 DB 40H DUP(0), $ DATA ENDS STACK1 SEGMENT
- 硬件信息查看器,查看当前PC常规硬件信息-This is another of utility applications which can be used as an tool to get and report information about your system CPU, memory page size, mouse installation, etc. GetProcessorInfo function in ChardwareInfoDlg makes use of Get
- OFDM程序,这么安排矩阵的目的是为了构造共轭对称矩阵 共轭对称矩阵的特点是 在ifft/fft的矢量上 N点的矢量 在0,N/2点必须是实数 一般选为0 1至N/2点 与 (N/2)+1至N-1点关于N/2共轭对称- BPSK simulation using a carrier cosine wave with ISI clc close all clear all figure(1) n=160 for i=1:n data(i
- This program applies Simplified DES (S-DES) Ciphering Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material
- This program applies Message Digest MD5 Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material
- This program applies Message Digest (MD5) Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material -This program applies Message Digest (MD5) Algorit
- SHA core cryptographic core
- 本书旨在为Linux、Unix以及OS X系统管理员提供短小精悍且功能强大的shell实现解决方案,教会读者如何使用现有调试器调试shell脚本。 全书分为3个部分:脚本技术基础、系统交互和高级技术、有用的脚本实例。主要内容包括如何使小到中型的系统管理任务自动化,分析系统数据并编辑配置文件,使用bash和ksh等编写Linux、Unix和OS X应用程序的脚本文件等。 本书面向中高级的shell程序员,以及需要解决日常问题的系统管理员,但假定读者能够读懂一般的shell代码。 -Sy
- LibDWG estas biblioteko de programeroj, kiu faciligas legadon de DWG-aj dosieroj. DWG estas tre populara dosierformo uzata en teknika fasonado (CAD), kiu tamen prezentas malfacilaДµ ojn por esti malferme kaj libere aplikata. DWG estas dosier
- Essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) and Weighted ENO (WENO) are finite difference or finite volume schemes. The first ENO scheme is constructed by Harten et. al. in 1987. The first WENO scheme is constructed in 1994 by Liu,Osher and Chan for a third or
- We show that an RSA private key with small public exponent can be eciently recovered given a 0.27 fraction of its bits at random. An important application of this work is to the \cold boot" attacks of Halderman et al. We make new observations ab
- 模拟Linux下的ls,实现包括-a,-l,-al,以及不同类型文件的着色处理-The ls under Linux emulation
- Linux下用C语言实现控制台ls -al-Implemented in C under Linux console ls-al
- nachos 底层代码,适合初学者的代码分析,和初学者的学习-hjdj la kla ka kdj lja kld al j
- Rijndael (pronounced Reindaal) AES算法,由Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen设计。-//Rijndael (pronounced Reindaal) is a block cipher, designed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen as a candidate algorithm for the AES. //The cipher has a variable block length an
- vwehepsini iç ine al sok gö t iç piç seni gidi hisset kendine gel biç-vwehepsini iç ine al sok gö t iç piç seni gidi hisset kendine gel biç