- Take advantage of a secure message-digest algorithm in your applications. Learn the means to easily integrate MD5 into your existing C++ applications using this cross-platform library. -Take advantage of a secure message-digest algorithm in your ap
- C语言实现的des加密算法,可以用于软件加密等多种途径,需要的自己嵌入程序中即可-the C language des encryption algorithms, encryption software can be used various means, including the the procedure itself can be embedded
- 一个定时关机的小程序,有两种时间设置方式,一预定时间,二倒计时-A regular shutdown of small programs, there are two set-up time means a predetermined time, the Second Countdown
- C R C 校验实用程序库在数据存储和数据通讯领域,为了保证数据的正确,就不得不采用检错的手段。-CRC checksum utility library in data storage and data communication fields, in order to ensure data is correct, will have to adopt a means of error detection.
- C R C 校验实用程序库在数据存储和数据通讯领域,为了保证数据的正确,就不得不采用检错的手段。在诸多检错手段中,C R C 是最著名的一种。-CRC checksum utility library in data storage and data communication fields, in order to ensure data is correct, will have to adopt a means of error detection. Error in many instr
- 这是I2c网关Id独立烧写程序, 烧写的ID必须要求是:“0~9”、“a~z”、“A~Z”的16为字符才能烧写成功。 其中当是输入的小写字母时,自动转换为大些烧入。 如: 1) # ./burnID 0123456789abcdef 烧入的是:0123456789ABCDEF 2] # ./burnID 0123456789@ cdef 烧入不成功,因为有其他字符 3) # ./burnID 0123456789abcdefDfs 烧入也
- 在用C++写要导出类的库时,我们经常只想暴露接口,而隐藏类的实现细节。也就是说我们提供的头文件里只提供要暴露的公共成员函数的声明,类的其他所有信息都不会在这个头文件里面显示出来。这个时候就要用到接口与实现分离的技术。 -Using C++ to write the database to export category, we just want to expose the regular interface, and the realization of the hidden detail
- c语言描述,实现操作系统的进程调度算法,采用优先数方法予以实现-c language descr iption of the process of scheduling algorithm to achieve the operating system used to be priority number means to achieve
- ★ Exescr ipt 3.0.0 汉化版 Exescr ipt 是一款面向高级计算机用户的出色的工具,用户不 需要了解编程知识,就可以创建和编译自己的可执行程序,而 无需写一行代码。它可以将批处理文件(.bat)、Visual Basic 和 Java脚本快速转换为可执行EXE 文件,同时可以保护.bat、 .vbs 和 .js 的内容。 汉化说明: 1、此为汉化破解版,采用语言包形式,安装后即可使用。 2、如果以前使用过英文版,安装汉化后菜
- Freeware implementation of the Secure Hashing Standard, defined in FIPS PUB 180-1, defines the Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA-1). SHA-1 can be used to produce a message digest for a given message. Essentially, this is a 160-bit number that represents
- PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL/TLS library written in C. PolarSSL makes it easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) applications with as little hassle as possible. Loose c
- PolarSSL源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。尤其适合嵌入式应用。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL/TLS library written in C. PolarSSL makes it easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) applicat
- 开源椭圆曲线加密算法库。0.12.1最新版-Libecc is an Elliptic Curve Cryptography C++ library for fixedsize keys in order to achieve a maximum speed. The goal of this project is to become the first free Open Source libraryproviding the means to generate safe elliptic c
- 本代码主要实现了k均值聚类算法,通过c++在vc软件下实现聚类。-The code is mainly achieved k-means clustering algorithm, c++ in vc achieve clustering software.
- 是一个基于Matlab软件的模糊C-means聚类算法原代码,-Is a software based on Matlab fuzzy C- means clustering algorithm source code,
- Based on matlab fuzzy C - means clustering algorithm (KFCM), good-Based on matlab fuzzy C- means clustering algorithm (KFCM), good
- 一个关于c均值的聚类源程序,在matlab下运行 不错的 很好(A source program of c-means clustering, run well under matlab is very good)
- 是一个基于Matlab软件的模糊C-means聚类算法原代码,(Is a software based on Matlab fuzzy C - means clustering algorithm source code,)
- 模糊C均值的详细说明文档,还包括硬分类与模糊分类的区别,欢迎下载,(A detailed descr iption of the fuzzy c-means document, but also the difference between hard classification and fuzzy classification, welcome to download,)
- 模糊C均值聚类的一个参考材料,做模糊聚类是用的一个程序(A reference material of fuzzy c-means clustering, fuzzy clustering is used a program)