- (繁体中文版)台湾出品不得多得的关于spa dpa 旁道攻击rsa算法的精彩论文。相对国内的一些翻译性质的、粗制滥造的论文,简直是一个天上一个地下。-As information technology has developed rapidly, it provides more convenient life for people. As the result, the security has become the main concern. Recently, user id and pa
- 利用大数库写的一个RSA模幂运算的小软件,该软件能够方便的进行RSA模幂运算,并且可以让读者学习大数库的使用方法。-Use of large numbers of a library to write a small RSA Modular Exponentiation software, the software can easily be RSA modular power, and large numbers can help readers learn to use the librar
- 简单计算器包括双目运算和单目运算功能。双目运算符包含基本的四则运算及乘幂功能,单目运算符包含正余弦,阶乘,对数,开方,倒数等运算。可对输入任意操作数,包括小数和整数及正数和负数进行以上的所有运算并能连续运算。出现错误会给出相应提示,同时包含清除,退格,退出功能以及有与所有按钮相对应的菜单项-Simple calculator includes a binary operator and a unary function. Binocular operator contains four basi
- Uses a left-to-right k-ary sliding window to compute the modular exponentiation. The value of k changes based on the size of the exponent.
- RSA编码实现,创建公钥和私钥,并判定生成的是否是素数,生成界面和菜单便于用户选择,用扩展欧几里得短发求乘法逆元,快速模幂算法,-RSA Coding, create public and private keys, and determine whether the resulting number is a prime generate user-friendly interface and menu choices, with short hair extensions Euclid se
- ieee_scalbn(x,n) returns x 2n computed by exponent manipulation rather than by actually performing an exponentiation or a multiplication. -ieee_scalbn(x,n) returns x 2n computed by exponent manipulation rather than by actually performing an expone
- 运行程序之前需要配置OpenSSL的开发环境(SHA-1算法利用OpenSSL开发包实现),本源代码实现了DSS数字签名(美国标准数字签名标准),主要运用了大整数的加减模幂、以及欧几里得算法。并有一个完整的界面。-You need to configure before running the program OpenSSL development environment (SHA-1 algorithm uses OpenSSL development package implementati