- Cxxtools 源码, Cxxtools把大部分linux C 库函数封装成C++类。封装方法巧妙高效,可以用于学习和直接使用。-Cxxtools is a collection of general-purpose C++ classes. It includes classes for: * argument parsing * logging * wrappers for threading (pthreads) * network
- LinkChecker 是一个网页链接检查程序,主要特性: • 循环遍历和多线程检查 • 输出各种格式检查结果:text, HTML, SQL, CSV, XML • 支持 HTTP/1.1, HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Telnet 和本地文件链接检查 • 可使用正则表达式对链接的url进行过滤 • 支持代理服务器 • 支持用户名和密码验证 ̶
- This function calculates a room s impulse response for an arbitrarily positioned sound source in a rbitrarily dimensioned rectangular room, as it would be heard at an arbitrary position. The output of RIR.m is a vector and can be used as an FIR filte