- 将数据进行高斯低通变化,在形参中给出数据首地址、傅里叶变换的宽度、高度、半径-Will be low-pass Gaussian data changes in the shape parameter data given in the first address, Fourier transform width, height, radius
- 本文介绍了以单片机AT89S52、光电脉宽调制器芯片TL494核心通过用单片机控制调节PWM 的方法,实现单片机控制的DC-DC开关电源电路系统;以及由数模转换芯片ADC0804等构成反馈以得到精确的电压输出的电路系统。由于单片机的电压不稳以及带负载能力不强,所以还包括单片机到DC-DC开关电源之间的稳压以及低通滤波的设计,ADC0804芯片外围电路设计,以及相关的调试与测试方法。-This paper introduces the single-chip AT89S52, photoelect
- 对原始图像在水平方向和垂直方向与2个滤波器(低通、高通)相卷积,可以得到4块面积为原图像1/4的子图,分别为水平方向低频和垂直方向低频(HH)、水平方向低频和垂直方向高频(HG)、水平方向高频和垂直方向低频(GH)、水平方向高频和垂直方向高频(GG)。-The original image in the horizontal direction and vertical direction and two filters (low pass, high pass) with convolutio
- 基于典型相关分析与低通滤波的肌电伪迹去除Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and low-pass filter to remove EMG artifacts-Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and low-pass filter to remove EMG artifacts
- - occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of service deteriorates. - queuing delay, packet loss or the blocking of new connections. - cause missing packets, low energy efficiency, and long delay. - occurs w
- - occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of service deteriorates. - queuing delay, packet loss or the blocking of new connections. - cause missing packets, low energy efficiency, and long delay. - occurs w
- 输入为高频三角波,叠加上低频正弦噪声,使用高通滤波器将噪声滤除-Input is a high-frequency triangular wave superimposed on a low frequency sinusoidal noise, using the high-pass filter, the noise filter
- 用matlab软件编程实现低通滤波器的功能-Low-pass filter function matlab software programming
- 基于VHDL的IIR滤波器设计 用并行处理有耗积分器III的形式设计的二阶IIR巴特沃斯低通数字滤波器 -VHDL-based IIR filter design with parallel processing of lossy integrator III design in the form of second-order IIR Butterworth low-pass digital filter
- This function calculates the coefficient of first order low pass filter. It uses the equations:. -This function calculates the coefficient of first order low pass filter. It uses the equations:.
- This interface provides a low-level way to pass bulk cursor data across both process and language boundries. Application code should use the Cursor interface directly.
- 详细阐述了波特沃斯低通滤波器的matlab仿真原理及对应的c语言实现过程,读完此资料后,对于巴特沃斯低通滤波器不管从c语言实现还是matlab实现,你都会有很好的理解-Matlab simulation principles elaborated Porter Worth low-pass filter and the corresponding c language implementation process, after reading this information, for Butt
- 推出巴特沃斯低通滤波器1的姊妹篇2.本文详细阐述了巴特沃斯低通滤波器的实现原理,并给出了c语言完整的实现代码-Butterworth low-pass filter introduced a companion 2. This paper describes the realization of the principle Butterworth low-pass filter, and gives the complete implementation of the c language co
- discrete fourier transform low high pass filter. in matlab The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for discrete fourier transform low high pass filter.. function [g] = FFTPF1D (X,binsize, f, P) Discrete Fou
- Allow physical addresses to be fixed up to help peripherals located outside the low 32-bit range generic pass-through version. -Allow physical addresses to be fixed up to help peripherals located outside the low 32-bit range generic pass-through
- commenting this define out will bypass the low pass filter noise reduction filter for compass data.
- 一个用dsp软件简单实现低通滤波器功能的程序-DSP software with a simple low-pass filter function of the program
- 对图像进行小波变换,功能:高通滤波,低通滤波,图像复原,增强,融合!-Wavelet transform for image features: high pass filtering, low-pass filtering, image restoration, enhancement, fusion!
- QT读取高低电平,能够在控制台输出电平值,测试通过,在linux测试通过(QT reads the high and low level, can output level value in the console, pass the test and pass through the Linux Test)