- 这是我编的包括古典密码,还有DES,IDEA等的几个加密算法的加密结果实现,由于时间匆忙有点粗糙,请指教-This is my series, including classical passwords, as well as DES, Several other IDEA Encryption Algorithm encryption achieve results, as a bit hasty rough time, please enlighten
- 定时提醒程序,早期作品,难免粗糙,大家多多指教-regularly reminded procedures, early works, it is inevitable rough, we exhibitions
- Very simple several capture procedure that I write, is used to test capture efficiency in rough (being that Test2 carrying out the fundamental step capturing carries out capture Test4 by transferring packet.dll temporarily for a specific tas
- This the first release of a free TCP/IP/PPP protocol stack for the uC/OS Real-Time Operating System. As a first release it s still rather rough and very much larger than desired however it is working well in an embedded product and therefore may be u
- 实现了粗糙集理论的好软件,它有效的解决了具有不完整和不确定性的问题-implement rough set theory ,efficiently solve incomplete and uncerten uncertain questions
- 非常好的一个ARM BOOTLOADER ,由于本人粗略的看了一些,难免有错。-Very good ARM BOOTLOADER, rough, since I read some, inevitable mistake.
- MINIGUI简单的手机语音通讯程序,做的很粗糙,仅供参考-MiniGUI simple cell phone voice communications procedures, so very rough, for reference only
- 学生信息管理系统,比较粗糙!希望大家共同完善一下~ ,-Student Information Management System, compared Rough! I hope everyone look perfect ~,
- A Flash Player with Actionscr ipt support. Write in C and C++. It have two part, one is Player and another is Actionscr ipt Library. Runs on Linux and *BSD. It s very rough now, it have long way to go. -A Flash Player with Actionscr ipt support. Writ
- 利用百叶窗式面板组可增大窗口的可利用面积,而且把常用工具放在窗口中比放在菜单中使用更方便,现在一些大型软件如Photoshop、Dreamweaver等都采用了这种方式。在这些软件中,百叶窗式面板组都做成了可停靠的窗口,我没有这种能力,只能做成固定位置的控件组,使用时只能用在对话框或具有CFormView的视图中,整个制作很粗糙,希望高手能加以改造。 本程序的核心思路是调整控件的位置和显示/隐藏控件,当一个面板被收起或展开时,只要把它下面的控件都隐藏或显示出来,再调整各面板控件位置,这
- 一个gtk扫雷小游戏的源码 很粗糙 -Gtk mine a little game is rough Oh source
- 能实时显示位置信息,界面有些粗糙,希望能对大家有帮助-Can real-time display location information, interface some rough, hoping to help
- 该程序是粗糙集代码,里面对程序调试有说明,按照说明可以直接调试,实现约简,提取规则-The program is rough set code, which are described on the program debugging, follow the instructions can debug, to achieve reduction, extraction rules
- 能够对一些linux的知识进行讲解,并且整理的比较粗糙,可以讲题给用户-Able to explain some linux knowledge, and finishing rough, you can talk about the topic and users
- 1.RSA签名的小素数实现 2.RSA加解密的大素数实现 3.RSA_OAEP填充的实现 几个都实现了,但是比较粗糙。 但是其中的md5.cpp,bint.cpp是很不错的,可以复用 开发环境:混用了CodeBlocks、VC6-1.The small primes realize RSA signature 2.RSA encryption and decryption of large prime numbers to achieve
- 用JAVA写的桥牌积分系统,有些粗糙,代码不够精简,但是没时间做修改了,希望对您有帮助-Bridge scoring system written in JAVA, some rough, the code is not enough streamline, but do not have time to make changes, you want to help
- VC++简易的IE浏览器源码,支持快进、快退,支持重新载入(刷新),支持地址栏刷新,虽然有些粗糙,不过基本可以用啊,内核是基于Windows自带的IE,源码供大家参考学习。-Simple VC++ IE browser source code, support fast forward, rewind, support reload (refresh) to support the address bar refresh, although a little rough, but ah, the
- VC++酒店业务管理系统,包括订餐、客户等功能模块,界面较粗糙,是书中的范例实例。在编译、运行程序之前,请将所附的数据库文件rms.mdb导入SQL server中,并将此数据库命名为RMS-VC++ hotel business management system, including ordering, customers and other functional modules, the interface is rough, examples of instances in the bo
- 一个HTML5_Canvas练手程序,用Canvas标签绘制简单的动画效果:模拟十字路口绿灯亮,车走;红灯亮,车停效果,动画效果比较粗糙,供入门者参考。HTML5程序,目前暂不支持IE。-A practiced hand HTML5_Canvas program, Canvas tag draw simple animation effects: Analog crossroads green light, the car go red light, the car stopped effec
- 一个简单的*程序,有些粗糙,但是可以给对这方面有兴趣的人提供一些思路-A simple Trojan program, some rough, but you can give people who are interested in this area provide some ideas