- IP数据包流量监控 这个程序利用Winpcap库来捕获IP数据包。在调试时注意: 1:务必将“Include”文件夹下的所有头文件拷贝到VC安装目录下的库文件夹中,如\"D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Include\"。 2:将“Lib”文件夹下面的所以库拷贝到VC安装目录下的Lib文件夹下,比如\"D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Lib\"。
- 加密算法 Test Driver for Crypto++, a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives: - To generate an RSA key cryptest g - To encrypt and decrypt a string using RSA cryptest r - To calculate MD5, SHS, and RIPEMD-160 message digests:
- 这个程序利用Winpcap库来捕获IP数据包。在调试时注意: 1:务必将“Include”文件夹下的所有头文件拷贝到VC安装目录下的库文件夹中,如"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include"。 2:将“Lib”文件夹下面的所以库拷贝到VC安装目录下的Lib文件夹下,比如"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib"。 以上1、2两个步骤其实是为了让程序能够利
- The driver supports both the 16F and 18F families. The trick is that the driver carefully emulates the hardware UART found in the PIC18F452 processor. This information has unfortunately misled some into thinking it does not work with the 16F family.
- 文档详细描述了Linux命令,可以作为查询工具书或熟悉Linux命令使用,千万别错过哦-Document a detailed descr iption of the Linux commands can be used as query tools are familiar with Linux commands or use of, oh, sure not to miss
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish) that
- This a program written in C++ and Qt 4.5 which will swallow running xapplications by just entering their winow id. Window id can be found out by the following command "xwinifo -name xxxx" where xxxx is the title of the application to be embedded, M
- The source code for the program is offered under the GNU General Public License. Please feel free to download the code, read it, modify it, compile it and run it locally. -Parameter definitions: use_naca: logical, true if we want to ge
- Transmitting messages across noisy channels is an important practical problem. Coding theory provides explicit ways of ensuring that messages remain legible even in the presence of errors. Cryptography on the other hand, makes sure that message
- make sure were running the app from a cd drive. All done in the .dpr file
- 学生成绩智能管理信息系统 2004 该软件基于学分制管理模式,涵盖学年制管理,另外对选修课成绩管理,英语4,6级成绩和计算机语言课程成绩跟踪管理都能较好处理,有学生名册打印,成绩单打印,缓补考通知单打印,成绩分析,留级,跳级,转学、插班,分班,合班等智能化处理功能,并在局部辅助语音提示。该软件可以记录登陆者的信息,便于加强管理。一定给您全新感受。改进的版本可以从招生大表直接导入新生数据,进行自动分班.您试用后,一定会觉得它给您节约了大量的时间。请多提改进意见。管理员密码是111,进入后可以
- CPU利用率组件示例程序,此示例程序还实现了动态菲屏功能(每次启动程序都会看到不同的菲屏显示效果)等功能,检测CPU利用率功能前,请先正确注册组件。 注册语句如下: regsvr32 组件名(如: c:\\CPUuse.dll)-CPU utilization component sample application, this sample program also implements the dynamic Philippine-screen function (each t
- 一个在Linux下实现iSCSI的源码,已经编译成功,绝对可以使用!-iSCSI target source! i am sure it can be used!
- 大学生攻克Linux系统教程(又名天下没有难学的Linux)本书汇集众多Linux学习者的心血与贡献,有很多作者在默默的为你呼喊,感谢他们的贡献。从学习Linux的那天起,我只记住一个词,那就是攻克。 一个障碍,一个学习Linux的最大障碍-无指导-在困扰着每一位企图闯出初中级Linux困境的人。攻克Linux系统教程给你提供动力,帮助你闯出难关。为何这么有把握?原因很简单,天下没有难学的Linux。-Students capture tutorials Linux system
- 适用于windows98的启动加密.加密成功后,请立即重启电脑,选择2修改密码(默认为空)。此程式仅对进入windows 98图形界面有限制。务必牢记密码。-Applicable to windows98 start encryption. Encryption is successful, please restart the computer, select 2 Change Password (default is empty). This program is only windows
- 这是用C语言编写的Hill代码,希望大家可以借鉴。算是我的小小心意。请下载看看。我相信你们会需要的。-This is the language of the Hill with the C code, hope that we can learn from. I suppose I have little mind. Please download to see. I am sure that you will need.
- 这是用Java语言编写的栅栏加密代码,希望大家可以借鉴。算是我的小小心意。请下载看看。我相信你们会需要的。-It is written in Java language barrier encryption code, and hope that we can learn from. I suppose I have little mind. Please download to see. I am sure that you will need.
- 4. This scr ipt is kind of a failure because for some reason NS2 only outputs a 10 line trace file. I am not sure why this is happening and will look into it. 5. 5. qmonitor.tcl is a modification of tutorial 5 and shows how the
- 改程序可以为整个计算机加密,保证计算机内容不被盗取,实用!!1-it set password for the whole computer to make sure the safety to your computer!
- 这是认真做的一个 五子棋小程序,比较适合刚学好C语言不久的同学,里面包含了一些小程序的一些基本的东西。个人觉得变成风格还是可以的,欢迎借鉴。 肯定有很多 不足的地方。一起探讨联系: 3768510-It is really doing a Gobang small program just to learn C language more suitable for students in the near future, which contains a number of small p