- The tool presented below tries to detect from remote if the target machine was compromised with the HACKER Defender rootkit. The tool connect to the remote host, and compares the reply to several known replies. The rootkits that can be detected by th
- 该系统实现远程主机对目标机(7x24长时间运行)的信息采集功能,运行在目标机的daemon程序根据配置文件(采集项目,采集时间)采集目标主机状态信息(硬盘、cpu、进程等),通过socket发送到远程主机,远程主机接收后分类储存为不同文件。-The remote host system on the target machine (7x24 long-running) of the information collection function of the target machine run
- 用VC++编程实现远程关机,还可以中止执行目标机的程序。 在IP地址框输入IP,就可以执行操作了,请不要用于非法途径或恶作剧,仅供学习参考-VC++ programming with remote shutdown, but also the target machine to suspend the implementation of procedures. Enter the IP address in the box IP, you can perform operations,
- 易语言实现通过MAC地址远程唤醒电脑。 要求目标电脑必须联网-Through the MAC address of a remote wake-up computer. Require the target computer must be networked
- 远程拷贝程序 (客户端:getfile,服务器端:sendfile) 客户端发送IP地址,源文件文件名,和目标文件,进行文件的拷贝-Remote copy program (client: getfile, server-side: sendfile) to send the client IP address, source file name, and the target file, make copies of documents
- Windows 2000 and higher supports directory symbolic links, where a directory serves a symbolic link to another directory on the computer. For example, if the directory D:\SYMLINK specified C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 as its target, then a pplication accessing
- zabbix由2部分构成,zabbix server与可选组件zabbix agent。 zabbix server可以通过SNMP,zabbix agent,ping,端口监视等方法提供对远程服务器/网络状态的监视,数据收集等功能,它可以运行在Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Free BSD, Open BSD, OS X等平台之上。 zabbix agent需要安装在被监视的目标服务器上,它主要完成对硬件信息或与操作系统有关的内存,CPU等信息的收集。zabb
- 远程线程注入*c++代码。远程线程插入(注入)技术指的是通过在另一个进程中创建远程线程的方法进入目标进程的内存地址空间。将*程序以DLL的形式实现后,需要使用插入到目标进程中的远程线程将该*DLL插入到目标进程的地址空间,即利用该线程通过调用Windows API LoadLibrary函数来加载*DLL,从而实现*对系统的侵害。 -Remote thread injecting Trojan c++ code. Remote thread injection ( injectio
- 远程注入,包括xp - win7 x32 x64 的注入! 注入不进请确定进程权限!还有目标进程是否是X64位的!-Remote injection, including xp- win7 x32 x64 injection! The injection not enter to make sure that the process privileges! There are the target process is X64 bit!
- 实现远程关机的程序,用VC++编程实现远程关机,还可以中止执行目标机的程序-Remote shutdown procedures, the remote shutdown VC++ programming can also be suspended implementation of the target program
- 附给进程特权,以便访问系统进程,在目标进程中申请空间,存放字符串,作为远程线程的参数-Attached to the process privilege, in order to access the system processes, to apply for space in the target process, store the string, as the parameters of the remote thread
- \defgroup obd_import PtlRPC import definitions Imports are client-side representation of remote obd target.
- Target operations for the Valgrind remote server for GDB.
- 远程注入工具,可以注入DLL文件到目标程序当中。(Remote injection tools can be injected into the DLL file into the target program.)