- 这是NS2网络仿真实例,包含两个tcl脚本文件,内容是模拟多个无线节点运用DSDV路由协议进行传输的情况。对于初学者有很好的示范作用。-This is the NS2 network simulation example, contains two tcl scr ipt file, the contents of multiple wireless nodes is simulated using DSDV routing protocol for transmission of the si
- ns2 simulation and tutorial on tcp. very nice introduction to ns2 and some tcp protocols and its simulation in linux-ns2 simulation and tutorial on tcp. very nice introduction to ns2 and some tcp protocols and its simulation in linux
- 柯支亨老师的《ns2仿真实验》第三章实验部分,如何建立tcp,udp联机,并分析它们各自的数据吞吐量,抖动率等。-Heng Ke support teacher " ns2 simulation experiments," Chapter III experiment, how to build tcp, udp online, and to analyze their own data throughput, jitter rate.
- 模拟smartnuffer来嗅探tcp/ip、udp等协议的监听、抓包、解析,内有代码以及lib、dll文件。-Simulation of smartnuffer to sniffer tcp/ip and UDP protocol monitoring, packet capture and analysis, there are code and lib, DLL file.