- 提高了编程速度,免去了到书上查找的不便!-increase the speed of programme,excuse the inconvenience of search on the book.
- We re working with several major libraries to include their collections in Google Book Search and, like a card catalog, show users information about the book, and in many cases, a few snippets – a few sentences to display the search term in context.
- We re working with several major libraries to include their collections in Google Book Search and, like a card catalog, show users information about the book, and in many cases, a few snippets – a few sentences to display the search term in context.
- ffmpeg We re working with several major libraries to include their collections in Google Book Search and, like a card catalog, show users information about the book.
- ffmpeg We re working with several major libraries to include their collections in Google Book Search and, like a card catalog, show users information about the book.
- ffmpeg We re working with several major libraries to include their collections in Google Book Search and, like a card catalog, show users information about the book.
- ffmpeg We re working with several major libraries to include their collections in Google Book Search and, like a card catalog, show users information about the book.
- book from the Library Project, you ll see basic bibliographic information about the book, and in many cases, a few snippets – a few sentences showing your search term in context. If the book is out of copyright, you’ll be able to view and download th
- 自己原创开发的一款LINUX环境控制台下的一个具有类似电话本功能的小程序,具有模糊查找、自动排序和自动保存等功能。-Their original environment for the development of a LINUX console of a phone book function of a similar small procedures with fuzzy search, automatic sorting and automatic save functions.
- 通讯录,能实现增添,修改,查找,删除功能-Address book, to achieve add, modify, search, delete function
- 通讯录,能实现增添,修改,查找,删除功能-Address book, to achieve add, modify, search, delete function
- 添加图书纪录 显示图书信息 根据书名查找图 根据书名删除图书信息 打印图书信息图表 退出系统-Add Book records show that the information under the title of book search plan under the title of book information to delete the information printed book charts out of the system
- 本书通过一个具体的工具软件——Ftp文件搜索工具的完整开发过程,由浅入深、循序渐进、全面系统地介绍了 Microsoft Visual C++6.0基础知识和常用技巧。全书共分 10章,详细讲解了 Visual C++的基本语法知识及其主要的应用,内容包括: Visual C++的基本概念、面向对象编程和C++语言、基于对话框应用程序、Windows标准控件、MFC文档结构、基于文档应用程序的编程、图形设备接口、网络编程、Ftp文件搜索工具预览等。通过对具体编程实例的详细讲解,本书还向读者介绍了
- perl 实现数据分类 tokenization,抽取feature selection,文件分类documentation classification-The project’s goal is to provide an application to provide a brief list for a set of books in xml format then maybe people can through this list to decide which book
- 这是我在其它网上搜索得来的有关于数据恢复的书,我上传的都是本网站至今为止没有的资料,希望能对大家有所帮助."本人为了便于学习数据恢复,把网上的一些数据恢复知识做了个整理!顺便发到网上和大家分享! 大家如果看到有好的东西的话可以发给我,我再加到上面方便大家学习!" 欢迎大家来信跟笔者探讨各种电脑问题!特别是网络安全,加密与解密,系统~~等!-This is my online search in the other come the book on data recovery, I
- 网络上搜集来的,制作成chm电子书-Search the Internet, to the, made into chm e-book ...
- 《即用即查Linux命令行实例参考手册》精选了Linux命令行下主要的命令,针对每一个命令都做了非常详尽的介绍,并配合大量的实例进行讲解。读者可以快速了解Linux命令行的各种常识。全书按照Linux命令的功能进行分类,便于读者查询。 《即用即查Linux命令行实例参考手册》内容深度适中,既适合Linux新手,也可以作为Linux用户的常用案头书,是所有Linux用户必备的参考书。-" That use the Linux command line search example
- 基于linux系统环境下开发的一个简单的图书查询终端,可实现模糊查询、单项查询,多项查询,具有联想功能。-Linux-based system development environment with a simple book search terminal, enabling fuzzy queries, individual query, a number of inquiries, with the association function.
- VC++课程设计,图书管理系统:功能: 用户设置(设置登入用户信息) 读者级别设置 读者登记 读者信息查询 图书类别设置 新书入库 图书查询 借书 借书查询 还书 还书查询 包含完整源程序和课程设计报告。-VC++ curriculum design, library management system: functions: user settings (set login user information) the readers leve
- QT图书查询,使用的是MYSQL数据库,十分清晰好用-QT book search, using MYSQL database is very clear easy to use