- Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB) offers a rich and complete approach to expressing parallelism in a C++ program. It is a library that helps you take advantage of multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. Threa
- 面向程序设计与QT、如何创作QT、深入学习QT构造模块-Process-oriented design and QT, how to create the QT interval, in-depth study of QT building blocks
- Windows图像编程之——位图显示特效合集,封装了一些常用的位图特效显示函数:图像交错显示特效、百叶窗特效、随机积木显示效果、飞入伸展效果等,代码清晰可读,对学习VC++编程有积极参考意义。-Windows Graphics Programming- bitmap effects collection encapsulates some of the commonly used bitmap effects function: picture interlaced display specia
- Delphi制作的图像积木效果,打开图像后,窗体自动加载一幅图像,点击“效果”按钮后,可预览查看效果,可持到类似积木玩具一样的图片显示特效,一个小小的Delphi图形处理程序,仅供参考学习。-Delphi crafted image blocks effect, open the image, the form automatically load an image, click on the " Effect" button, you can preview to see t
- COM的发展概述 公元一九九五年某个夜黑风高的晚上,我的一位老师跟我说:“小杨呀,以后写程序就和搭积木一样啦。你赶快学习一些OLE的技术吧......”,当时我心里就寻思 :“开什么玩笑?搭积木方式写程序?再过100年吧......”,但作为一名听话的好学生,我开始在书店里“踅摸”(注1)有关OLE的书籍(注2)。功夫不负有心人,终于买到了我的第一本COM书《OLE2 高级编程技术》,这本800多页的大布头花费了我1/5的月工资呀......于是开始日夜耕读..... -COM develo
- c语言下的高效算法库,包括常用数据结构二叉树、avl、红黑树等以及加解密算法的封装。-The ULIB is a collection of efficient building blocks for developing high-performance and scalable systems in C and C++. These building blocks mainly cover, multithreading, parallel computing, efficient data
- The ULIB is a collection of efficient building blocks for developing high-performance and scalable systems in C and C++. These building blocks mainly cover, multithreading, parallel computing, efficient data indexing, numerical approximation, and cry
- TBB,Thread Building Blocks,线程构建模块,是Intel公司开发的并行编程开发的工具。-TBB, Thread Building Blocks, threading Building Blocks, is the development of Intel parallel programming development tools.