- 网络嗅探器无论是在网络安全还是在黑客攻击方面均扮演了很重要的角色。通过使用网络嗅探器可以把网卡设置于混杂模式,并可实现对网络上传输的数据包的捕获与分析。-Sniffer network is the network security or hacker attacks are playing a very important role. Through the use of Sniffer network card can be installed in mixed mode, enabling
- testpcap-c语言源程序,包括:网络封包的截取,分析等 1.Simple single packet capture program 2.Q&D proggy to demonstrate the use of pcap_loop 3.Investigate using filter programs with pcap_compile() and pcap_setfilter() -testpcap-c language source code, including :
- 网络包捕获和分析,采用Visual C++ 6.0开发。在win98/2000上均可运行。对于准备做网络监控,包捕获,防火墙之类有借鉴作用。-network packet capture and analysis, using Visual C 6.0. Win98/2000 on the open operation. Prepared to do for network monitoring, packet capture, such as firewall be useful.
- unicap provides an uniform access to video capture devices. Currently you can access v4l, v4l2, IIDC 1394 ( DCAM ) cameras and video to firewire converters with a single API. New devices can be added via a plugin system-unicap provides an uniform acc
signal to killchild
- 用系统调用signal()让父进程捕捉键盘上来的中断信号(按Ctrl-C键);当捕捉到中断信号后,父进程用系统调用kill()向两个子进程发出信号,子进程捕捉到信号后分别输出下列信息后终止: Child Process 1 is Killed by Parent! Child Process 2 is Killed by Parent! 父进程等待两个子进程终止后,输出如下的信息后终止: Parent Process is Killed!-with system call signal ()
- V4L2 Specification 配套源码,Debian linux编译通过,V4L2 Specification supporting source, Debian linux compiler through
- 使用ov511或zc301摄像头,linux下基于S3C2410的USB摄像头捕捉程序-Use ov511 or zc301 camera, linux under the USB-based S3C2410 camera capture program
- 这是一个从视像头上捕获视频的C++源程序,可以用来从视像头上获取视频文件。-This is a video capture from the video head of the C++ Source, can be used to obtain from the video head video files.
- C++的异常类,实现的功能包括: 1、打印异常堆栈,类似于Java的printStackTrace 2、转换Windows的结构化异常;3、将GetLastError转换为异常类;4、对于进程中未捕获的异常,打印其堆栈信息-C++ Abnormal category, the realization of the features include: 1, print exception stack, similar to Java, printStackTrace 2, the conver
- Linux下视频捕捉C代码, 各位参考下 ,代码很精练-c code for capture video in linux
- use Microsoft WIM API to create a application for capture C drive as recovery image-use Microsoft WIM API to create a application for capture C drive as recovery image
- 一个简单的防火墙程序,可以任意捕捉显示网络包-A simple firewall program that can display any network packet capture
- V4L2较V4L有较大的改动,并已成为2.6的标准接口,函盖video\dvb\FM...,多数驱动都在向V4l2迁移。更好地了解V4L2先从应用入手,然后再深入到内核中结合物理设备/接口的规范实现相应的驱动。本文先就V4L2在视频捕捉或camera方面的应用框架。-V4L2 greater than V4L changes, and has become the standard interface 2.6, cover the video \ dvb \ FM ..., most drive
- USB视频采集下原始YUY数据到rgb格式的转换程序,推荐学习-USB video capture, the original YUY data to rgb format conversion process, it is recommended to learn! !
- 视频采集的过程中,有时需要用到将RGB模式转换成BMP格式的图片,本程序能很好的完成这个功能,推荐学习。-Video capture process, and sometimes need to use the RGB mode into BMP format, this program can accomplish this function well, it is recommended to learn.
- V4L2 video capture example
- 该程序以隐藏方式运行,程序初始化时注册了两个热键Ctrl+Alt+a和Ctrl+Alt+A,当按下其中之一热键时,会让用户选择截屏的区域。 用户区域选择完后,可以有三种选择: 使用Ctrl+c快捷键保存到剪切板 使用Ctrl+s快捷键弹出保存bmp文件对话框 使用Esc快捷键取消截屏 当用户操作完后,程序并不会退出,用户可以反复的使用热键进行截屏,知道用户手动结束程序。-The program runs in hidden mode, when the program
- v4l2视频采集程序,测试可用。使用的摄像头为罗技c920.-v4l2 video collection procedures, tests are available. Logitech camera used for c920.
- VC++编写的用于扑捉鼠标当前位置坐标的样例代码-The sample code in C++ for capturing the current mouse position coordinates
- 使用V4L2采集视频,并实现图片的保存功能。(The use of V4L2 video capture, and realize the preservation of images.)