- 本书讲述Windows环境下的加密与解密技术。这本书采用循序渐进方式, 从基本的跟踪调试到深层的拆解脱壳,从浅显的注册码分析到商用软件保 护,这500多页的一部书,几乎囊括了Windows下的软件保护的绝大多数内 容。-book on the environment of Windows encryption and decryption technology. This book step-by-step approach, from basic to the deep track
- 我接触DLL的时间也不长,对DLL的了解也不是很深,在这里以一个简单的例子说明一下应用程序与DLL是如何工作的,希望给初学者一些帮助。文章附有源码,以编译通过。-I contacted the time is not long, right DLL understanding is not very deep here in a simple examples to illustrate what applications and how the DLL is working, and hope
- C++guiQt编程第二版,随书代码。包含基础的例子和一些高级的例子,有浅入深,C++ GuiQt programming second edition, with the book code. Contains the basis of examples and some examples of high-level, there are shallow to deep
- 监控下一个进程的创建过程,关键函数的执行先后关系如下: XP sp3下: 1.NtCreateProcessEx 2.NtCreateThread 3.CreateProcessNotify,调用创建进程回调函数,在PspCreateThread中调用 4.CreateThreadNotify,调用创建线程回调函数,在PspCreateThread中调用 Vista、Win7下: 1.NtCreat
- 针对于linux下的C编程,从零学起,由浅入深,适合于志向与从事linux开发的初学者。-For the C programming under linux, learn from zero,the Deep and aspirations and is suitable for beginners in linux development.
- 本文综合了IDS与IPS的特点,将协议分析、网络流量分析与深度包检测技术相结合,提出一个新的网络防御系统一“基于协议分析的网络分布式入侵防御系统(Network Distributed Intrusion Prevention System Base on the Protocol Analysis,NDIPS),同时给出了系统的基本实现,并利用现有仿真条件及网络基 础对部分检测防御技术进行了必要的评测与验证。该系统提高了网络对入侵的实 时阻止能力,提高了网络整体的安全性。-This
- 国外的开源项目,openDPI,利用DPI深度报文检测方法进行流量的识别过程,可以参考代码进行自己的课题研究。c代码,linux环境-Foreign open source project, openDPI, the use of deep packet inspection DPI method of flow identification process, refer to code your own research.
- linux学习教程,从浅到深介绍linux的各个知识点,是入门和提高值得阅读的资料。-learning linux tutorial, from shallow to deep introduced various linux knowledge point is worthy of entry and improve the reading information.
- linux内核源代码,通过该代码可以由简入深的学习操作系统-linux kernel source code, the adoption of the code can be from simple operating system into the deep learning
- unix编程实践教程代码。适合初学者,书中的源代码,由潜入深,在学习unix编程时大有帮助-unix programming tutorial code of practice. Suitable for beginners, the book s source code, from sneaking into the deep, in the study of great help when unix programming
- asterisk 是一个很有知名度开源软件,读了以后感觉颇深,最新1.6稳定版本,为大家学习提供参考-asterisk is a very well-known open source software, read after deep feeling, the latest stable version of 1.6 for the U.S. study to provide reference
- 你是不是经常到处找破解资料,转了一大圈,也找不全,多么希望找一完整破解教程,从简到深,系统学习破解知识。本人就有这一体会,为了使大家更快掌握这门技术,特将本人长期收集资料和破解经验总结一篇教程,相信对大家有所帮助。这份资料主要是和大家探讨一些加密解密的问题,在文中引用了不少平时收集的资料,但均保持文章原样。 -You are not always looking to break the information to a large circle, but also look for inc
- Linux 从入门到精通,讲解linux常见命令,由浅到深,是一本进阶学习的好书。-Linux from entry to the master, on the linux common commands, from shallow to deep, is an advanced study of the book.
- 华清远见linux C应用编程,该书深刻详细的讲解的linux下C应用程序实现-Huaqing foresight linux C application programming, the book to explain in detail the linux deep under the C application implementation
- 通过用DES算法对实际的数据进行加密和解密来深刻了解DES的运行原理-DES algorithm by using the actual data encryption and decryption to a deep understanding of the operation principle of DES
- 该书详细介绍了Linux编程的完整学习过程,包括shell的编程练习,由浅入深,是初学者的优秀教程-Linux programming book described in detail the complete process of learning, including shell programming exercises, Deep is an excellent tutorial for beginners
- A stack-based Deep first search and a queue-based board first search
- 使用fork()函数创建进程的范例,包括一般的子进程和深进程,linux操作系统下运行-create child process and deep process using fork(), compiled under operating system of linux
- 欢迎使用深蓝PHP留言本,改留言本属初步完成,仍有很多不到之处,希望能给作者指出来: 1.采用面向过程的编程方式 2.程序响应速度快,稳定 3.代码简洁、易懂、特别适合新手参考 4.基本功能:悄悄话留言、留言置顶、管理回复 欢迎体验!意见或建议请到作者博客交流: -Welcome to Deep Blue PHP Guestbook, change message is intended to be initially completed, there is still
- 是由prentice Hall 出版的一本关于qt的经典书籍。内容由浅到深,讲述了qt designer的使用方法,线程,项视图,二维、三维画图、嵌入式编程等qt常用的领域。-Published by prentice Hall a classic book on the qt. Content from shallow to deep, about the qt designer to use, thread, key views, two-dimensional, three-dimensi