- 算法介绍 矩阵求逆在程序中很常见,主要应用于求Billboard矩阵。按照定义的计算方法乘法运算,严重影响了性能。在需要大量Billboard矩阵运算时,矩阵求逆的优化能极大提高性能。这里要介绍的矩阵求逆算法称为全选主元高斯-约旦法。 高斯-约旦法(全选主元)求逆的步骤如下: 首先,对于 k 从 0 到 n - 1 作如下几步: 从第 k 行、第 k 列开始的右下角子阵中选取绝对值最大的元素,并记住次元素所在的行号和列号,在通过行交换和列交换将它交换到主元素位
- 高斯积分代码,对学习有限单元法很有帮助的哦-Gauss integration code, the finite element method for learning useful oh
- OpenXFEM++ with patches for Cygwin or Linux-An object-oriented enriched finite element code that provides a robust tool for simulating fracture using an extended finite element(XFEM)computations. The features of the program include flexibility in the
- 编写C语言程序,模拟UNIX磁盘空间管理中使用的分组链接法。 1.定义一个记录磁盘块号的堆栈S—free[10],以及记录栈中现有磁盘块数的变量S—nfree。 2.定义一个由40个元素构成的结构数组block[40]用作磁盘块存放。 struct size { int blocl[10] } struct blocd { struct size a[10] //用于在空闲磁盘块号链中存放磁盘块号 }block[40] 3. 假设系统中文件的最大
- 【YADE】离散元方法开发软件,上传为一些程序,压缩包里有官网地址,安装官方网站提示安装。-[ YADE ] the discrete element method to develop software, upload some procedures, compression bag has a website address, the official website of the prompts to install the installation.
- 边界单元法求解二维弹性力学问题的输入文件,源程序-Input data for 2D elastic mechanics problem in boundary element method
- 有限元程序编程,本程序以poisson方程为例,文中留有很多可扩展空间,稍加修改就可以适应很所方程-finite element method for Poisson equation
- The "getAttributes()" method(Node Interface) may be used to retrieve the set of all attributes of an element.
- The "getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI,localName)" method returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given local name and namespace URI in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
- The "getElementsByTagName(name)" method may use the special value "" to match all tags in the element tree.
- The "getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI,localName)" method returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given local name and namespace URI in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
- The "set Attribute(name,value)" method adds a new attribute to the Element Source Code for Linux.
- The "getAttributes()" method invoked on an Element Node returns a NamedNodeMap containing the attributes of this node.
- The "hasAttribute()" method for an Element should return true if the element has an attribute with the given name.
- Retrieve the second "p" element and create a NamedNodeMap object from the attributes of the last child by invoking the "getAttributes()" method.
- The method hasAttributeNS returns true when a ttribute with a given local name and namespace URI is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise. -The method hasAttributeNS returns true when an attribute with a given local nam
- The method createElementNS creates an element of the given valid qualifiedName and NamespaceURI.
- In this code,we are concerned with the numerical minimization of energy functionals in Hilbert Space involving total variation for gray-scale 1-dimensional inpainting problem.Applications are shown by finite element method. see for example : http
- 泡泡布点,在有限元方法中用于生成质量较好的点-Bubble distribution in the finite element method to generate better quality points for
- yade离散元教程,帮助你熟悉并上手在ubuntu系统下进行yade开发(this file can give you some ways to get familiar with the open-source software name yade base the discrete element method.)