- Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I think it is first real remote code execution exploit on vista =) Tested on: Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation a
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- The IDA Pro Book - Rebuild Process Import Table Example Copyright (C) 2008 Chris Eagle <cseagle@gmail.com> This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as p
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- This code is used to brute force a gmail email by using the programming language python.Sebelum do Bruteforce email you will be required to prepare a file that contains a set password (wordlist).
- BOOT-REPAIR 8 January 2012 Boot-Repair \- Graphical tool to repair boot problems Yann MRN <yannubuntu@gmail.com>-BOOT-REPAIR 8 January 2012 Boot-Repair \- Graphical tool to repair boot problems Yann MRN <yannubuntu@gmail.com>