- SMB审核工具可以对WINDOWS和SMB平台的系统进行密码审核,可以利用WINDOWS 2000/XP的超时结构快速的猜测密码。 -SMB audit tools and SMB for Windows platform system password audit Windows 2000/XP can use the overtime rapid structural guess passwords.
- 一个功能强大的开源弱口令猜解程序,内含源代码,是Nessus软件的好搭档!-a powerful open source solutions guess weak passwords procedures, containing source code, software Nessus is a good partner!
- AIX 下的一个c++ 猜词游戏程序。供初学者参考-under the AIX c guess a word game procedures. Reference for beginners
- I ve got this idea as an expansion to HRESULT Error Check Simplifier By Wanderley Caloni, so I guess his introduction would be better than if I wrote one. Many thanks to Wanderley Caloni for writing the article. I ll just introduce here what I h
- 著名的工具用来画图 著名的工具用来画图 著名的工具用来画图 著名的工具用来画图
- 用vc++实现的猜纸牌游戏,内含详细设计思路和源代码。,Achieved with the vc++ guess card game that includes detailed design ideas and source code.
- 随机产生四个不同数字(如 1234),要求玩家猜出这组数字,并验证数字的正误,若错误给出提示,比如玩家猜5678 提示 0A0B, 1432提示1A3B,(A表示数字与所在位均对,B表示数字对但所在位不对)每次限十次机会。-Four different randomly generated numbers (such as 1234), require players to guess which set of figures, and verify the figures are wrong,
- 猜数字游戏:已知某个数列中的2个数字,用户猜第三个数字,以用户猜测次数和猜中次数作为评价标准-Number guessing game: given a series of two numbers, the user guess the third number, customer number and guess the number of guesses as evaluation criteria
- PHP网站的SQL注射工具源代码,可以列目录,猜表名等功能。-PHP website source code for SQL injection tool, you can list the directory, guess the table name and so on.
- 暴力破解 加密rar 软件,用户预先定义一个密码本,输入各种猜测的密码,运行程序自动猜解加密RAR文件。如成功,则自动解密。-Rar brute force encryption software, a password of the user pre-defined, enter the password for all kinds of speculation, guess the solution to run the program automatically encrypted RAR
- C编写的自动SQL注入源码工程,一个远程多线程的,快速猜解某一注入点的后台数据库账户和密码,支持Access、Mssql、Mysql、Oracle数据库猜解。若SQL注入点URL含有多个参数时,需将存在注入的参数换位置到URL末尾,因为本程序代码默认URL最后一个参数存在注入。-Automated SQL injection source projects written in C, a remote multi-threaded, fast-guess the solution of an i
- Problem A: Pouring Water-I guess that everybody can play this game: There are two buckets(水桶). Bucket 1 has the capacity X and bucket 2 has Y liters(升). Then you are asked to measure Z liters of water in one of the two buckets, using the three operat
- source of something , gue-source of something , guess
- 这是一个Java小游戏,在控制台显示要猜的单词为星号,提示输入要猜的单词,猜对了就在相应位置显示字母,猜错了则会给出提示。最后会给出总评,即猜错了几个,猜对了几个。-This is a Java game to guess the word as displayed in the console asterisk prompted to enter the word to guess, and guessed the letters displayed in the corresponding
- this program can find windows password trough a dll you can use it even in guess account enjoy it
- 使用方法:单击"获取账号"或者自己输入宽带账号。 单击"浏览"选择一个字典文件(TXT)。然后单击"载入"把文件加入列表 单击"开始"即可! 可以正常猜解宽带密码! -Usage: click " account" or enter their own broadband account. Click " Browse" to select a dictionary file (TXT). Then click the " load" the
- a) I Wan to make more powerful crypto analysis against the need to keep constant b) The results of the analysis for different crypto key ... I would try to guess
- 猜测ftp工具源代码,包括自动生成字符集合-Guess ftp tool source code, including automatically generated set of characters
- C语言 猜价格的代码,首先根据给出区间随意生成一个随机数,然后根据输入数字的不同给出不同的提示-Guess the price C language code, the first interval is given above under generates a random number, and then enter the number of different tips give different
- guess number game by qt