- The Kannel Open Source WAP and SMS gateway works as both an SMS gateway, for implementing keyword based services via GSM text messages, and a WAP gateway, via UDP. The SMS part is fairly mature, the WAP part is early in its development. In this r
- python-twitter-0.5是Twitter API的python接口, 可以很容易用它联结开放的Twitter-This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API. Twitter (http://twitter.com) provides a service that allows people to connect via the web, IM, and SMS. Twitter exposes
- 监控服务器上运行的HTTP、FTP、SMTP、POP3等所有应用服务; 监控服务器上文件和目录是否被修改,监控WEB网站是否被黑; 监控DDN专线、VPN隧道的可用性、丢包率和延时; 分析和管理内网流量情况; 监控机房内温度和湿度等环境参数; 监控UPS不间断电源的各种数据及状态; 监控到故障,通过手机短信、电话、电子邮件、发出报警声音和监控屏幕警告等方式通知管理员-Monitoring server running on HTTP,