- Imagemagic是一款创建、编辑、压缩图像的软件。可以转换 DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG等格式,并且能够轻松的对图片进行旋转,缩放等操作-ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (
- DjVu documents download and display extremely quickly, and look exactly the same on all platforms. DjVu can be seen as superior alternative to PDF and Postscr ipt for digital documents, to TIFF (and PDF) for scanned documents, to JPEG for photo
- 这是linux版本的,3.6版,功能方面,yEd 支持自动布局,分组管理等等,支持 UML。可以根据绘制的 UML 图生成 JAVA 代码,可以直接导出为 Gif、PNG、Jpeg、Pdf、Html 图像地图文件等。通过试用,感觉另外一个比较重要的功能是它可以支持外部添加的图形,这使得这款小巧的软件也具备了扩展图形库的可能。-This is the linux version, 3.6, function, yEd supports automatic layout, group managem
- PDF生成可以生成PDF文件,包括图片TIFF,JPEG,PS ,EPS等格式-Create PDF files any application with PDFCreator. And the best: PDFCreator can be used by everybody for free.