- 一个游戏外挂,全用win32汇编写的,而破解的游戏就是windows下的小游戏蜘蛛纸牌,这个破解软件可以翻看任意牌,可以换牌。-a game pieces, all written using win32 compilation, and the crack of the game is the small windows Spider Solitaire games, the hacking software can look up any unlicensed, and for licens
- 16位CRC:生成CRC16表(256项),用于快速查表计算 // 在程序初始化时就先调用,预先生成CRC16Tab[256]查表数据-16 CRC : formation CYXLIC REDUNDANCY (256), Fast look-up table for calculation / / initialization procedure on first call, pre-generation CRC16Tab [256] Lookup Data
- 实现Vigenre密码加密算法,没有采用查表的方式来实现,同过采用直接计算的方式来实现,速度快,耗内存小-achieve Vigenre password encryption algorithm, without the use of the look-up table method to achieve. Guo with the direct calculation method to achieve speed and small memory consumption
- 在《软件加密技术》这本书里看过PE文件各部分的详细解释之后,我也有了一个自己写PE文件分析器的的想法。虽然好的分析器不在少数,但对于一堆十六进制数,有些朋友可能不明白它代表什么意思。如果在程序里就可以将这些01序列转换成可以直接看懂得信息,那至少用户可以省去以后去查表的麻烦。怀着这样的想法,我仔细的研究了书中分析器PEInfo的源代码,我发现它没有提供信息转换的功能。 通过研究发现,PEInfo是通过PE文件在内存中的映象来获取文件信息的,我在想是否还有别的方法可以绕过将文件映象到内
- DES 加密C语言实现(使用查表方法,可用于RECONFIGURABLE的硬件实现)-DES encryption C language (using the look-up table method. RECONFIGURABLE for the hardware)
Error LookUp
- NUCLEUS下错误代码查询!-look up the error code in NUCLEUS
- 用c语言实现crc算法,采用ccitt标准多项式,查找表方法实现,低位先处理,接收校验成功标志为f0b8.-Checksum crc algorithm to achieve the standard which use ccitt polynomial, using look-up table method to achieve, low bit to deal with first, mark of success receiving check is f0b8.
- CRC的MCS-51系统的实现代码。含查表和计算两种函数。即插即用-CRC of the MCS-51 System code. With look-up table and calculation of the two functions. Plug and Play
- 是我自己写的32位crc算法,生成多项式可以改成你自己需要的。应用于crc查表法。-I wrote it myself a 32-bit CRC algorithm to generate a polynomial can be changed to your own needs. Look-up table method used in CRC.
- CRC采用比特型算法,生成多项式为CCITT 0x1021,无需查表,节省内存空间。-CRC-bit-based algorithm used to generate a polynomial for the CCITT 0x1021, no look-up table to save memory space.
- 用c语言实现crc算法,采用ccitt标准多项式,查找表方法实现,高位先处理,接收校验成功标志为1d0f.-Checksum crc algorithm to achieve the standard which use ccitt polynomial, using look-up table method to achieve, high bit to deal with first, mark of success receiving check is 1d0f.
- 此算法用于实现一种基于查找表的混沌加密,将随机产生的一个数组加密后输出,同时也可以将解密后的数据与原始数据进行对照,本算法已经在5509芯片上进行实时运行过,用于对16bit语音信号的高16位加密,能满足实时性。-The algorithm used to achieve a look-up table based chaotic encryption, will be an array of randomly generated encrypted output, but also can d
- 这个是个查阅操作系统的,可以查询您现在的操作系统是XP还是其他的,很不错的工具~!-This is an inspection of the operating system, you can look up your current operating system is XP or the other, it is a good tool ~!
- 模糊控制算法,是对手动操作者的手动控制策略、经验的总结.模糊控制算法有多种实现形式,采用应用最早、最广泛的查表法,可大大提高模糊控制的时效性,节省内存空间。-Fuzzy control algorithm is to manually control Celue manual operator, experience in the summary. Fuzzy control algorithm has multiple forms of the Caiyongyingyong the earl
- 按键扫描程序 ASM。1. 键盘采用4*5矩阵键盘,含有两个组合键. 2. 硬件连接比较混乱,且各个按键的排列与面贴上的键码对应混乱.如果采用教科书上常规矩阵键盘的 扫描方式实现比较繁琐. 3. 需要识别两个双键,但这两个双键位置比较特殊K17,K18和K19,K20. 4. 基于2,3两点.这里采用列,行分别输出全零,读取行,列的引脚电平信息.综合这两组信息查表获取键值. 对于单键按下,有两个位为0.对于两个按键按下,有3或4个位为0. -Key scanne
- utf16和gb2312的对照表,方便实现两种编码间的转换.-the look up table of the UTF16 and gb2312
- 本实验的动态查找表基本功能有:创建一个动态查找表、销毁一个动态查找表、查找、插入和删除一个关键字、遍历动态查找表。-In this study, the dynamic lookup table basic functions: to create a dynamic look-up table, destroy a dynamic lookup table, search, insert and delete a keyword, traversing the dynamic lookup t
- Linux下查看内存泄漏的工具dmalloc源代码-dmalloc,the tool to look up the leakiness of memory in Linux.
- Address book helps you look up your addresses from the system tray. It is quite useful in that way cause it stays out of the way and is easily accessible when needed.
- Linux App Lib, Builtin diff command: Analyze two perf.data input files, look up and read DSOs and symbol information, sort them and produce a diff. -Linux App Lib, Builtin diff command: Analyze two perf.data input files, look up and read DSOs and