- This program applies Message Digest MD5 Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material
- This program applies Message Digest (MD5) Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material -This program applies Message Digest (MD5) Algorit
- This a code for encrypting message inside a jpg using matlab-This is a code for encrypting message inside a jpg using matlab
- 邮件加密系统。可以实现邮件的加密发送和邮件的解密接收-E-mail encryption system. Encrypted message can decrypt messages sent and received
- 散列算法,用于生成原始消息的数字指纹,本算发基于MATLAB编写,本算法包含多种流行的散列算法,包括SHA1和SHA-256等广泛应用的散列算法,通过本程序,可以对几种广泛应用的散列算法进行调用-Hash algorithm used to generate the digital fingerprint of the original message, this is based on MATLAB, this algorithm contains a variety of popular h
- étude comparative code ldpc matlab ber representation message length variation, performance construction
- The RSA cryptosystem is the most widely-used public key cryptography algorithm in the world. It can be used to encrypt a message without the need to exchange a secret key separately. The RSA algorithm can be used for both public key encryption and di
- 用MATLAB实现RSA加密、解密,并尝试破解RSA RSA_Gen.m 产生密钥 RSA_Enc.m 实现加密 RSA_Dec.m 实现解密 RSA_Hack.m 尝试破解-Implement RSA encryption with MATLAB, decryption, and try to crack the RSA. RSA_Gen.m generate encryption keys RSA_Enc.m encrypt the original message
- 利用散列哈希函数对信息进行散列,产生一个定长的信息摘要,从而可实现消息的认证和完整性验证(Hash function is used to hash information to produce a certain length of information summary, which can realize message authentication and integrity verification.)