- DiskSize is a program to scan a local drive and display the results in a treeview and on a 3D pie chart. It uses only the .NET Framework and Windows API functions, no third party products.-DiskSize is a program to scan a local drive a nd display the
- 通过多线程的编程实现圆周率简单计算方式,是多线程编程中较为简单的题目,但整体结构上比较易懂,是初学者学习多线程变成的入门代码。-Through a multi-threaded programming pi simple calculation method is relatively simple multi-threaded programming topics, but the overall structure is relatively easy to understand, is f
- OFDM程序,这么安排矩阵的目的是为了构造共轭对称矩阵 共轭对称矩阵的特点是 在ifft/fft的矢量上 N点的矢量 在0,N/2点必须是实数 一般选为0 1至N/2点 与 (N/2)+1至N-1点关于N/2共轭对称- BPSK simulation using a carrier cosine wave with ISI clc close all clear all figure(1) n=160 for i=1:n data(i
- Discrite PI implementation for a DC Motor DSPIC30F, source libraries not included
- 计算pi的一个小程序,用的是积分求解,因为计算量比较大,可以用作并行编程的素材。-Calculate pi in a small program, using the integral solution, because the larger than calculated, the material can be used as parallel programming.
- 一个破解无线路由密码的工具pin码穷举,破解带wps无线路由-Brute-force tools to crack a wireless router password pin code, crack wireless router with wps
- a basic visual tiger presentation of raspberry pi it simple to start your development with raspberry pi-a basic visual tiger presentation of raspberry pi it simple to start your development with raspberry pi
- 4 January 2014 Update 8 Channels ADC This C language code, will read all 8 channels. This is based on the MCP3424 Chip. Readout abelectronics ADC Pi board inputs via C Version: ADC_MCP3424_11d (Based on my own work of adcon11c.c)
- 给定n个矩阵构成的一个链<A1,A2,...,An>,矩阵Ai的维数为pi-1 x pi,其中i=1,2,...,n 。 { 3x5,5x2,2x7,7x4,4x8 } 该矩阵链的乘积为: A1A2...An。 通过在乘积A1A2...An的不同位置加上括弧,以先计算其中几个的乘积,再合并计算,以减少总共的计算代价。 -Given n matrix consisting of a chain < A1, A2,..., An >,
- A more general way to handle (pi,pl,pv) parameters for Linux Driver.
- 一个基于串口的树莓派ps/2 Linux驱动.PS/2的DATA线接串口的RX线,PS/2的CLK空置。用前要测试键盘的频率。-Using two resistors, a blue LED, a few other bits, and a kernel module you can use a PS/2 keyboard by connecting it to the Pi serial port. This works because I have found that you can
- A more general way to handle (pi,pl,pv) parameters.
- 一个计算Pi的并行化小程序,使用Win32的线程~-A Parallel Program to calculate Pi
- MCMC方法就是*构造合适的马尔科夫链进行抽样而使用蒙特卡洛方法进行积分计算,既然马尔科夫链可以收敛到平稳分布。我们可以建立一个以π为平稳分布的马尔科夫链,对这个链运行足够长时间之后,可以达到平稳状态。此时马尔科夫链的值就相当于在分布π(x)中抽取样本。利用马尔科夫链进行随机模拟的方法就是MCMC。(MCMC method is * construct appropriate sampling of markov chain and USES the monte carlo method for