- 平台+插件软件设计思想及基于COM的原型实现 http://www.iteer.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4 由云台协议DLL浅谈插件程序的编写 http://blog.csdn.net/waterpub/archive/2004/12/25/228920.aspx http://blog.csdn.net/waterpub/archive/2004/12/25/228925.aspx C++资源之不完全导引 h
- Fairly straightforward port. Only a few changes: 1. Changed man1 to man.1, etc in Makefile to conform to SCO convention. 2. Added -Dsco to Makefile for following checks: a. We don t want stdio.h in file.h b. We do want stdio.h in inte
- Fairly straightforward port. Only a few changes: 1. Changed man1 to man.1, etc in Makefile to conform to SCO convention. 2. Added -Dsco to Makefile for following checks: a. We don t want stdio.h in file.h b. We do want stdio.h in inte
- Fairly straightforward port. Only a few changes: 1. Changed man1 to man.1, etc in Makefile to conform to SCO convention. 2. Added -Dsco to Makefile for following checks: a. We don t want stdio.h in file.h b. We do want stdio.h in inte
- Fairly straightforward port. Only a few changes: 1. Changed man1 to man.1, etc in Makefile to conform to SCO convention. 2. Added -Dsco to Makefile for following checks: a. We don t want stdio.h in file.h b. We do want stdio.h in inte
- 在Linux中,用C编写一个myshell1原型,基本功能是根据创建一个子进程,它显示从父进程获得的环境变量和命令行参数,且父进程在子进程结束后退出。 父进程中接收控制台输入一行字符串,作为用户发出的Linux命令,如ls /usr/*.c <回车>,在创建一个子进程后,子进程通过调用execlp()系统调用,执行这条命令。输入输出重定向与管道-In Linux, using C to write a myshell1 prototype, the basic function i
- 这是一个获取硬件信息的函数,用于获取使用dmidecode命令获得的硬件信息 getDevInfo.c中有一个函数get_device_info,其原型如下 int get_device_info(const char *device,const char *item,char *mybuf,int buffsize) 请在main函数中包涵头文件 getDevInfo.c 使用此函数 -This is a function to obtain hard
- Updated template. Updated function prototype for code_10i40_35bits. Added extern declaration for gray[] defined in gray_tbl.c.
- cproto 为指定的C源文件中的函数定义生成函数原型到标准输出中-cproto generating function prototype for a function definition specifies the C source file to standard output