- 软件功能介绍: (1)搜索局域网内的所有活动的计算机,并将 显示这些计算机的IP地址,所属的域或者工作组. (2)搜索指定的某个计算机的共享资源. (3)搜索所有计算机的所有共享资源. (4)打开某个指定的计算机. (5)打开某个指定的共享目录. (6)将某个指定的共享目录映射到本地磁盘(映射网络驱动器). (7)将搜索到的计算机列表导出到文本文件,一目了然. (8)将搜索到的共享资源列表导出到文本文件. (9)搜索SQL Server服务器,将局域网中
- 纯pb的记事本程序,要实现文本文件的新建,删除,修改及查找功能-pure pb in the notebook of procedures, in order to achieve the new text files, deletion, modification and search function
- 项目描述: Env_audit is a program that ferrets out everything it can about the environment. It looks for process IDs, UID, GID, signal masks, umask, priority, file descr iptors, and environmental variables. It comes with test configurations for anacron, a
- 基于密码加密的暴力破解法。猜测密码长度,3-6位,并逐一尝试破解,找出正确密码。-Brute-force Search Attack on the Password-based Encryption The program is divided into three parts: encryption, decryption and brute-force attack, which are the three methods in my class. In the brute-for
- 1,概述 哼唱检索是基于旋律内容的音乐检索,指用户通过唱出歌词或者哼出歌曲旋律作为输入检索数据,从旋律数据库中检索相对应音乐的检索方法;相对于传统的基于文本的音乐检索,哼唱检索给用户提供了更便捷友好的查询方式,不仅可以作为基于文本的音乐检索一种有益补充,而且还能带来更佳的用户体验。-1, an overview of humming the melody-based retrieval is to retrieve the content of the music, the lyric
- A盟密本-----不错的文本加密源代码 =================================== 产品特点 ~~~~~~~ ================================= 1、文本加密 使用简单的XOR技术加密,不过是很容易破解的 2、获取C盘序列号变成注册码(压缩文件里面附上算号器) 3、通过百度搜索 4、多语言支持 5、文字字体、颜色选择 6、关联文件,关联*.UOD(此项有BUG,欢迎高人指出) -A UN
- 嵌入式Linux + GTK,用于阅读文本文件,可搜索一个指定目录下的所有文件,将显示在列表框中,并根据用户点击显示相应的文件内容。-Embedded Linux+ GTK, for reading text files, can search a specified directory of all the documents will appear in the list box, and in accordance with a user clicks on the correspondi
- 一个小型全文检索模型,里面含有输入输出样例。-A small full-text search model, which contains sample input and output.
- 一個簡單的GTK文字編輯器範例,可用在嵌入式的系統中,有開啟檔案、儲存檔案、剪下貼上、搜尋、搜尋取代、幫忙文件以及快捷鍵的功能.-a simple text file editor in GTK, it can be use in the embedded system.It can open ,save, copy, cut, search, search and replace, help ...etc
- Emunge是一个非常简易的,在软件左窗口粘贴剪切板内容,提供基本拼写检索和替换操作,在右窗口输出内容的软件。-Emunge is a very simple program designed to take a piece of text from the clipboard or entered into the program s left window pane and perform a series of regular expression search and replace o
- Search and replace multiline text in multiple files (KSH, Korn Shell)
- UltraEdit是一套功能强大的文本编辑器,可以编辑文字、Hex、ASCII 码,可以取代记事本,内建英文单字检查、C++ 及 VB 指令突显,可同时编辑多个文件,而且即使开启很大的文件速度也不会慢。软件附有 HTML Tag 颜色显示、搜寻替换以及无限制的还原功能,一般大家喜欢用其来修改EXE 或 DLL 文件,众多的游戏玩家喜欢用它来修改存盘文件或是可执行文件。 -UltraEdit is a powerful text editor that can edit text, Hex,
- 从指定文件中搜索出符合关键词的文字,并将搜索的结果导入到另一个文件中-File from the specified search text in line with key words and search results into another file
- Additive ciphers are elumnerable to cipher text only attacks using exhaustive key searches (brute force attacks). The key domain of the additive cipher is very small,they are only 26 keys. However only 26 combinations.We have to search that is way at
- CLucene是Lucene的一个C++移植,Lucene是一个基于java的高性能的全文搜索引擎。CLucene因为使用C++编写,所以理论上要比lucene快。-CLucene is the Lucene a C++ of transplantation, Lucene is a java based high-performance full-text search engine. CLucene because use C++ to write, so in theory faster
- 批量更改文件名,使用非常直观方便,像在word中批量查找替换文本一样,只要输入要查找和替换的文本,即可批量更改一个文件夹中的所有文件名。若要删除某些文件名中的内容,只要将替换为的内容输入空白即可。-Can batch change the names of all files in a folder through batch change the file name, very intuitive and easy to use, like a batch search and replace
- it searches for websites that have sql injection issue via google search api and save a list of them into a text file
- 提供字典解密和穷搜索解密功能,将需要解密的md5值放在text.cpp里面即可,本程序为作业实验,以供参考-Dictionary decryption and the poor search decryption function, will need to decrypt the md5 value on text.cpp inside the can, the procedures for operating experiments, for reference
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt text search implementation for linux.
- A naive finite state machine text search approach for linux