- QGSpider is a generic cheat tool for games running under Linux, it s distributed under the GPL v2 license. Most games store their values for money, energy, lives etc. in memory while they are running. QGSpider gives you the power to search f
- 3号作品是分析WarCraft III游戏的replay文件的命令行工具,可以统计玩家的APM等信息,开发平台是gcc (MinGW),其中使用了crc32和zlib库做replay文件的校验与解密。除了代码质量较高外,能启发思路也是我选入这个作品的原因。-Analysis of work is on the 3rd game of WarCraft III document replay command-line tool, can be Player of the APM and other
- 金庸群侠传 for Dingux 纯c/c++版 bete 0.1 A,版本说明: 1,在booboo的dingux20090728工具链下面编译通过。 2,纯c/c++版速度更快体积更小。 3,保留战斗音效,去除遊戏背景音乐(一直咚咚的很吵)。 bug难免请不吝提交,谢谢! B,安装及操作 直接将local文件夹複制到miniSD卡上即可。 X键:确定键 B键:取消或是显示选单 退出方法:在大地图中,按B键显示选单,再选“系统
- 过TP工具,最新2013的,无视TX,是研究TX游戏必需品。-A small tool that can ignore the game Tencent protection system is a good tool for research Tencent game
- The RoboCup Soccer Simulator LogPlayer (rcsslogpleyr) is a game log replay tool for the RoboCup Soccer Simulator Server (rcssserver).