Get Swap Value
- Get current swap usage for all running processes Based on a bash scr ipt by Erik Ljungstrom 27/05/2011 Author = Christopher Ranschaert - 07/07/2012 Parses pids in /proc, collects the name from /proc/$pid/comm and calculates the swapsize from /proc/$p
- 本文提出一种改进模糊评判理论的网络攻 击中的节点可信度评估方法,先利用模糊综合评判理论得到影响网络攻击中的节点可靠度因素集、评判集和仿真单因素可靠度评判方程,构成一个网络攻击中的节点可靠度初始模糊综合评判模型。-This paper presents a method to assess the credibility of nodes in the network attacks fuzzy uation theory in improvements to the fuzzy compr