- RC5-CTS模式加密解密算法C++程序实现。 解压之后运行main.dsw.在VC++下面打开,执行之后根据显示首先输入密钥(随便输入不超过16字节的字符串),之后提示输入需要加密的plaintext文件,输入plaintext1.txt,这个文件在压缩包里已经存在,(注意一定要写清楚文件类型名,是个文本文件),然后根据提示输入加密文件名,可随便输入一个文件名,但是别忘记了类型名.txt,如ciphertext1.txt。因为不输入类型名将来无法打开。之后输入解密之后的文件名,可输入dec
- This program Recursively Searches the C: drive for files with certain extensions, like .txt and .html and it opens each file and searches for the @ sign. If it finds an @ sign, it will extract it and write the address to a file in the root directory
- C语言简单实现克隆帐户,txt文本里面是源码。-simple C language to achieve cloning accounts, txt is the text inside source.
- md5加密算法的C(C++)代码实现.txt-md5 encryption algorithm C (C) code to achieve. Txt
- The full source code of Moon Secure Antivirus 1.x was released. Please consider to read license.txt and howtobuild.txt for more information. Because you reached this page meaning that you are intrested in helping this project or developing
- 关于txt文件读取和显示的C程序,包含对文件内部结构的判断-Txt file on the read and display the C program, including the internal structure of the document to determine
- 支持DVB-S,DVB-T,DVB-C的系统前端加扰和解扰过程,请注意加扰与加密不同,本程序包实现的是纯粹的加扰和解扰过程,不对KEY进行加密传输。要求输入测试文件时,请按照C语言的文件访问要求输入,如key.txt表示你要使用的KEY放在了名为key的txt文件中,不可写成“key.txt”。-To support the DVB-S, DVB-T, DVB-C system front-end process of scrambling and descrambling, please no
- 这是一个牛人的linux学习内核时分析内核的笔记,记录了他在学习过程的简介,对有志内核研究的人,相信有帮助-This is a person of the cow when the Analysis of linux kernel core study notes, records of his briefing in the learning process for people who wish to study the kernel, I believe there is help
- 在visual studio 2005环境下开发的一个DES加解密程序,使用的是C语言,可以完成对.txt文件的加解密操作,不支持pdf等其他文件类型。密钥为8为字符,须字母开头。-In visual studio 2005 environment, the development of a DES encryption and decryption process, using the C language, can be completed. Txt file encryption and
- Its a source code to find the breadth first search of a tree.It works both for tree as well as for forest.It has 3 files the source code bfs_forest.c , the input file bfsinput1.txt and output file.
- 说明: 功能: 键盘记录+剪贴板记录+进程监控记录+热键开关自启动 监控记录存放位置: 键盘记录存放在:"C:\\WINDOWS\\WindowsUpdate.txt" 剪贴板记录和进程监控记录存放在: "C:\\WINDOWS\\WindowsUpdata.txt" "C:\\WINDOWS\\WindowsUpdeta.txt" processdata.txt文件中是不需要记录的进程(放在程序同目录下)可自己手
- 1. 删除TXT文件中的空行; 2. 删除TXT文件中的空格; 3. 删除TXT文件中的TAB键; 扩展功能,下个版本实现: a. 统计txt文件的总行数,每行对应的字符数 b.使用动态二维数组存放以上信息 c.使用回调函数维护数组信息; d.删除特定字符串的行-1. Delete TXT files in the blank lines 2. Delete TXT files in the space 3. Delete TXT files i
- 吉他店程序实现 C++吉他店及店内库存乐器类管理程序,C++程序 一共有四个类,不仅可以卖吉他,还有其他类的乐器可以出售,而且,要提供初始化库存信息,所以用了TXT文件输入输出,比较简单,还有可以根据不同的属性查询乐器,有:名称,价格,制造商,背板材料,模型,类型等,而且如果没有此乐器,要显示库存没有,我又增添了乐器出库(卖出)四个类:1、库存管理员类 2、仓库类 3、乐器类 4、吉他店类(组合类)-Program for the guitar shop guitar shops and C
- 仿射变换加密的c语言实现,采用文件流载入明文,密文问件,解密出来的明文默认保存在mword.txt里,密文保存在cword.txt里-Affine transformation encryption c language, using plain text file stream to load the ciphertext asked pieces out of plain text to decrypt stored in mword.txt default, the cipher text
- 一个大小为4KB的txt文件,可用于测试文件的读取于逆序写出。-The file is very good! I wish you to update!
- 使用c语言对txt进行读写的程序,对于大的txt读写,可以提高速度-Txt read and write using c language program for the txt to read and write , can improve the speed
- 密码破译C++程序,这主要是实现简单的密码设置与破解,然后进行游戏-give a password to login
- 一款可以修改文件或文件夹的修改时间工具。 param: -v show information of file s time -c clone information of file time -m modify information of file time ---------------------------------------- -s source file or directory -d destion file or directory
- winucase_convert.pl convert Windows 8 Upper Case Mapping Table.txt to a two-level set of C arrays. -winucase_convert.pl convert Windows 8 Upper Case Mapping Table.txt to a two-level set of C arrays.
- example.c This file illustrates how to use the IJG code as a subroutine library to read or write JPEG image files. You should look at this code in conjunction with the documentation file libjpeg.txt. -example.c This file illustrates how to use the