Win Timer
- 一个讲windows中定时器使用的文章,很全,将所有可能的用法都讲到了。-a timer used in the article, is full of all possible usage spoke of.
- 大家有时玩游戏时,一不小心按到win键,游戏就会跳出,很不方便.我用vc编了一个小软件,基于低级键盘钩子的原理,这个软件可以屏蔽win键,F1,ALT+F4,ALT+TAB等键以致整个键盘.-sometimes you play games, to win by careless Bond, will jump out of the game, and it is very convenient. I used vc a small part of the software, based on
- 自己写的一个可以屏蔽系统键的程序,可以屏蔽WIN键,当然你可以修改其他屏蔽键!(玩魔兽时防止按错退出写的一个自己用的辅助工具)-himself in a system can shield key procedures, shielding WIN button, of course, you can modify other shielding keys! (Barry wrong by preventing the withdrawal was made with one of his ai
- 一个用WIN汇编写的程序,小巧玲珑,很实用。-WIN compilation with a written procedure, small and exquisite, very practical.
- 一个网络和单机的麻将游戏源码-network and a single source of mahjong game
- vc环境下的pgp源码,pgp是目前很流行的一种加密算法,非常安全,正在发展中-vc environment of pgp source, pgp is a very popular encryption algorithm, very safe, developing
- 个人收集的所有API函数例程及说明,对想学习API编程的很有用的-Personal collection of all the API function examples and explanations, to want to learn useful programming API
- 绿色中文版Wince5.0模拟器(arm920T).rar 3 找了很久,终于找到一个windows ce 5.0的中文模拟器。 CPU是ARM920T的。 -Green Chinese Wince5.0 simulator (arm920T). Rar 3 looking for a long time, finally found a Chinese version of windows ce 5.0 emulator. ARM920T CPU is the.
- 这是一个windows环境下实现基于身份的PKI系统源码,由stanford大学开发。采用了椭圆曲线密码公钥系统和配对椭圆曲线计算(Tate Pairing),具有非常高的效率. -This is a windows environment to achieve identity-based PKI system source code, developed by the University of stanford. Use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography pub
- CSL is a programming language with C syntax and comprehensive libraries. The compact scr ipting engine can also be embedded into your own applications as a powerful macro language. Windows Distribution utilities.
- GNUnet是一个安全的点对点网络框架,不采用任何集中或者说可信的服务。 在网络层上首先完成的服务是抗审查的匿名文件共享服务。 匿名是通过特殊的消息机制实现的:初始节点与路由经过节点的消息是不可区分的。 所有的节点都有路由功能,使用带宽稳定的加密连接进行相互交流。 GNUnet利用简单的、基于过剩的经济模型分配资源。 GNUnet中的节点相互监视其它节点的资源使用行为;对网络有贡献的节点会赢得更好的服务。 GNUNet是GNU工程的一部分。 官方站点在http://www.gnu.or
- This file was based on: drivers/ata/pata_ixp4xx_cf.c -This file was based on: drivers/ata/pata_ixp4xx_cf.c * Copyright (C) 2006-07 Tower Technologies * Author: Alessandro Zummo <a.zummo@towertech.it>
- 一个简单的在纯C语言环境使用WindowsAPI进行编程的SDK应用程序。颠覆传统虚拟桌面时钟的风格,生成圆形窗口的时钟,实时显示当前系统时间,平滑转动表针,支持窗口透明等-A simple Win32API based application under C environment. This is a virtual screen clock, which shows the current system time real-time, with its circled-window whi
- 这是一个delphi的winio封装库,经过测试,十分好用。-This is a delphi library of winio package, tested and very easy to use.
- A tutorial on binary diff startegies
- 通过创建键盘钩子屏蔽Alt+F4、Alt+Ecs、Ctrl+Ecs、Alt+Tab、Win等-Create a keyboard hook by shielding Alt+ F4, Alt+ Ecs, Ctrl+ Ecs, Alt+ Tab, Win, etc.
- A part of the extended file system 2 disk editor.
- 该软件能进行文件扫描和对图像进行各种操作和处理。-The software can scan a document and a variety of image manipulation and processing.
- 利用Ghost可以将你已经安装的系统进行备份,可以实现在你下次装系统的时候就直接还原这次你备份的系统! 这样做可以: 1.避免了不完全的系统攻击问题; 2.省去了驱动安装和补丁安装环节等等; 3.达到一键安装系统的效果;-Ghost can be used to restore the system you have installed, you can achieve the next time you install the system directly to restor
- The espeakedit program is used to prepare phoneme data for the eSpeak speech synthesizer. It has two main functions: Prepare keyframe files for individual vowels and voiced consonants. These each contain a sequence of keyframes which define ho