- a sample code for initialize and access game port. you will have a basic game port technology about the game port-a sample code for initialize and access gam e port. you will have a basic game port technolog y about the game port
- Xcopy 选项: /a 包含属性 /b 备份模式(只拷贝设置为归档属性的文件) /c 把目标文件的创建日期设置为当前文件日期 /e 包含创建空目录 /f 刷新已存在文件(只拷贝已存在的文件) /h 拷贝隐含文件 /p 对每个文件/目录都进行确认 /q 简洁模式 /r 多盘拷贝(如果目标盘为A-E且容量小于2M时会被提问) /s 包含子目录 /u 更新模式(只拷贝新文件) /v 校检目标文件,速度缓慢 /w 窗口模式 /x 文件名 不包括该
- Micro In-System Programmer Brief Installation Notes Enter the src directory. If uisp does not compile successfully, add switch -DNO_DIRECT_IO in the Makefile to remove support for direct I/O port access (that may be necessary on non-PC
- this a code with the name of cast. it can help you improving in the knowledge of crytography,-this a code with the name of cast. It can he lp you in improving the knowledge of crytograph y,
- SDL Library Documentation. The SDL library is designed to make it easy to write games that run on Linux, *BSD, MacOS, Win32 and BeOS using the various native high-performance media interfaces, (for video, audio, etc) and presenting a single source-co
- /* * 读取INI文件的函数(C语言) * File: readinifile.h * Read INI File * char* GetInitKey(FileName, Section, Key) * Return Key=>Value * + [config] * + dbhost=localhost * * strcpy(dbhost,GetInitKey(\"config.ini\", \"config\", \"dbhost\"))
- This control makes it possible to redirect the stdin/stdout of a console-application to your program. It s even possible to redirect MS-DOS commands to your application. I ve written this project in Visual C++ 6.0 with ATL 3.0, because you can t use
- Encrypts and Decrypts a file. This is not an \"uncrackable\" type of encryption but once you can understand the basics of this type of file encryption you CAN make better ones than me. This is just a quick example of basic encryption. Highly commente
- performs one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, or y := alpha*A *x + beta*y, where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an m by n matrix-performs one of the matrix-vector operati ons y : = alpha * A * x * y
- 现在一个机房的主机已经达到了一定数量,进行网络管理时,常常需要确定当前网络中处理活动状态的主机。本设计的目标就是编制程序,利用ICMP的回送请求和回送响应,来发现指定网段中的活动主机。 本设计的主体思想是使用ICMPECHO数据包来探测指定网段内的活动主机。具体方法是:通过简单的发送一个ICMPECHO(Type 8)数据包到目标主机,如果ICMPECHOReply(ICMPtype0)数据包接受到,说明主机是存活状态。如果没有就可以初步判断主机没有在线或者使用了某些过滤设备过滤了ICMP的
- About WepDecrypt: Wepdecrypt is a Wireless LAN Tool written in c which guesses WEP Keys based on a active dictionary attack, key generator, distributed network attack and some other methods, it s based on wepattack and GPL licensed. W
- 计算Z^Y%Z 用于演示RSA等公钥算法的细节。
- 古典密码中,主要的思想为移位算法及置换算法。 1.移位密码 密钥K为整数,且取值空间为0到25;加密函数:x = x + k (mod 26);解密函数:x = x - k (mod 26)。当K=3时,为凯撒密码。 2.仿射密码 密钥对由a、b组成,整数a满足 gcd(a, 26) = 1,整数b的取值空间为0到25;加密函数:x = ax + b(mod 26);解密函数:x = a*y - a*b (mod 26)。当a=1,b=3时,为凯撒密码。 3.维吉
- dwg加密小程式(LSP) 1,将要进行加密的图纸另外复制一份,切记!!! 2,在autocad中,打开要加密的图纸。 3,点击 autocad 菜单 “工具” -》 “加载应用程序” ,加载 lockup.lsp。 4,加载后会出现提示对话框,点确定。 5,在autocad中,键入 lockup ,回车。 6,英文提示“是否进行加密?” ,输入 y ,回车。 7,余下的提示,都回车,加密完成,保存图纸。
- linux下Y-Modem协议的实现源代码。 receive.c:数据接收代码 send.c:数据发送代码 ymodem.c:主文件
- 凯撒密码的过程,再用配对字母取代讯息里的原始字母位移加密法(shift cipher):模数计算。Ek(x)=(x+k)mod 26,Dk(y)=(y –k)mod 26 如:k=5 “hello world”加密为:mjqqt….
- Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)是Schnorr和ElGamal签名算法的变种,被美国NIST作为DSS(DigitalSignature Standard)。算法中应用了下述参数: p:L bits长的素数。L是64的倍数,范围是512到1024; q:p - 1的160bits的素因子; g:g = h^((p-1)/q) mod p,h满足h < p - 1, h^((p-1)/q) mod p > 1; x:x
- 写一个对文本文件加密的程序和一个解密的程序。密码规则是:对于小写字母,a换成x,b换成y,c换成z,d换成a,e换成b,...;对于大写字母,A换成X,B换成Y,C换成Z,D换成A,E换成B,...;其他字符不变。
- Tareas de Modelos y simulacion
- #define mod(x,y) x%y 宏定义实现函数功能(Macro definition realizes function function)