- 数据采集:该启动器可以由用户发起为一个后台服务,也可以由Unix的定时服务发起,我们采用使用Unix发起的方式。 用户后台服务发起的方式只需要把线程的运行方式改变成循环就是。 -Data Acquisition: The starter can be initiated by the user as a background service, but also from time to time by the Unix service launched, we have adopted a
- httpd是Apache超文本传输协议(HTTP)服务器的主程序。被设计为一个独立运行的后台进程,它会建立一个处理请求的子进程或线程的池。 -httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server' s main program. Is designed as a stand-alone background process, it will process the request to create a child