- Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. It is a news aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF and Atom. There are many other news readers available, but these others are n
- This thesis a study of internal working and interfaces of Linux kernel version 2.6.It emphasizes differences towards kernel 2.4 and it tries to introduce this problems to reader knowledgable only in common principles of operating systems.-This thesis
- 此书介绍如何基于UNIX socket API来写IPv6应用,以及如何将IPv4应用兼容IPv6.-This book tries to outline how to write an IPv6-capable application on a UNIX socket API, or how to update your IPv4 application to be IPv6-capable.
- Env var to restrict who tries to talk to the front end.
PyEmu src and docs
- PyEmu tries to provide a fully scr iptable IA-32 emulator in python. The aim is for security researchers and malware analysis. By having a flexible community driven emulator in a high level language one can roll their own purpose driven scr ipts to s
- Tries to reserve bos pointed to by the list entries for validation.
- Activity that tries to find suid files for Linux.
- Parses XML documents. This class tries to add meta-data in the resulting DOM trees to indicate the start and end line numbers of each node.
- IP-address lookup using LC-tries.
- This document tries to summarise some of the different cpu families that exist and are supported by arch powerpc.
- This version of the shadow function disobeys the ACPI spec and tries to fetch in units of more than 4KiB at a time. This is a LOT faster on some systems, such as Lenovo W530.
- As side effect, this tries to load the encodings package, if not yet done, to make sure that it is always first in the list of search functions.
- Expat tries very hard to make the API boundary very specifically defined.
- Library to recompress and optimize PNG images. Uses Zopfli as the compression backend, chooses optimal PNG color model, and tries out several PNG filter strategies.
- Performance test program for dictionary-type tries.
- Every function tries to return a meaningful error code basing on the occuring error condition. The error code is numeric.
- The BrowserContext used by the content, apps and extensions systems in app_shell.HACK: Pad the virtual function table so we trip an assertion if someone tries to use |this| as a Profile. -The BrowserContext used by the content, apps and extensions
- Clnt_call to a host that is down has a very long timeout waiting for the portmapper, so we use rmtcall instead. Since pertry value of rmtcall is 3 secs, make timeout here 8 secs so that you get 2 tries.